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Ashlyn's POV

I smiled up at Alani. She is so nice to me. She leaned down and kissed my forehead. I grabbed her hands and held them close to me.

Ashlyn: Alani?

Alani: Yes?

Ashlyn: Can we go get food? I'm starving.

Alani: yes haha go get some clothes on, and we will go.

I hopped up and kissed her cheek. I ran into my room and began looking for some clothes to wear. I chose a cream colored sweater, blue dark wash jeggings, and black boots.

When I was done getting dressed I put my wallet in my purse. When Alani came out of the bathroom she smiled at me. She had on a "The Beatles" shirt, a shawl, black leggings like me, and her dreadlocks were kind of pulled up. She slid on some some fuzzy boots. I realized that I hadn't done my hair, so I rushed to the bathroom to do it. I placed my hair to the side and braided it up.

Ashlyn: I'm ready!

Alani: Good, I was waiting for you though; I wasn't going to leave you.

I kissed Alani and she held my hand out the door. I said my goodbyes to kimm and Shelby and got into Alani's blue Nissan Skyline. When she got in I snapped a photo of us for Instagram, but When it posted I saw that Kiara wsa out with Jason, and she captioned the photo "He treats me right." I sighed and saw that Alani was staring at me.

Alani: It's okay.

Ashlyn: Thank you baby

Alani pulled off and we made our way to the restaurant.

-Five minutes later-

Ashlyn: Where are we going anyways babe?

Alani: Princess it's a surprise.

Ashlyn: Ugh fine haha.

I felt myself falling asleep. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted into slumber.

-30 minutes later-

Alani: Ash? Wake up babe.

I turned over to face her and wiped my eyes. Alani tilted her head and looked at me I got out and stretched but when I looked out the corner of my eye I saw something I did not wish to see. I saw Kiara with Jason. I frowned and put my head down to walk in.

Alani: Are you okay?

Ashlyn: Um...yes.

Alani looked around and aslo saw Kiara and Jason. She grabbed my hand and we walked past their table. Kiara saw me and repeated my motion.

Alani: She cannot keep doing this to you Ashlyn.

Ashyln: I know babe calm down.

I peeked over my shoulder and saw Kiara walking towards our table. Alani clinched her fists and her face grew red.

Kiara: You, me, outside now

She pointed to Alani, and then out the door.

Alani: ash I'll be back stay here.

Ashlyn: No I'm going with you.

I got up and latched on to Alani's arm. We all walked outside including Jason.

Alani: Now what can I help you with?

Ashlyn: Kiara please don't do anything stupid.

Kiara just looked at me and before I knew it she was launching towards Alani.

A Forbidden Love (lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now