Chapter 15

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Kiara's POV

-3 days later-

Ash has been amazing these past few days. We have stayed in and watched movies, went to Walmart to get Ben and Jerry's, and even went to meet Mrs.Hess. She is slowly getting to know my family, and learning to like my mom.

Kiara: baby?

Ashlyn: what?

Kiara: you okay?

Ashlyn: yeah I just need to get some sleep.

Kiara: oh okay nevermind then.

Ashlyn: no what is it baby?

Kiara: well I was thinking we could do something.

Ashlyn: like?

Kiara: well I'm not sure haha.

Ashlyn: Well let me look it up, and we will go out.

Ashlyn's POV

I got up, and opened my computer to see what dates we could on for cheap. I found this really cheap restaurant downtown. I went to take a shower really fast, and put on a grey t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and my black Vans. Then Kiara went and took a one and she wore an orange and pink ombre crop top, black leggings, and black and tan sandals. I pulled my hair into a messy bun, and kiara curled her hair. She looked at me and smiled. I got up and walked toward the door to leave.

Kiara: Wait!

Ashlyn: What?

Kiara: kiss?

I walked over to kiara, grabbed her face, looked her in her gorgeous eyes, pulled her close, and kissed her soft lips.

Kiara: okay we can go now.

I walked out the door and went to tell mom and dad I was leaving.

Ashlyn: I'm taking kiara on a date.

Mom: Okay hunny. Be safe.

Ashlyn: thanks mom.

We headed to the car and got in. Kiara took a cute selfie of us for instagram. She was obssesed with her phone lately. I looked at her and smiled. I do love her even though shes up my ass 24/7 now. I pulled out of the driveway and started to drive to the restaurant.

-An hour and a half later-

Ashlyn: Kiara wake up.

Kiara: What?

Ashlyn: We're here.

Kiara: Okay I'm up.

We got out the car and walked towards the doors. Kiara looked in amazement as we stood at the door for a second to look at the decorations on the outside. The door was draped with a beautiful grape vine, and little Christmas lights. The windows were also covered in the lights. The music playing outside was soft and instrumental. It was calming, but I realized that we looked funny standing out here this long. We walked in, and the lights were dim. Kiara grabbed my hand. We sat down and began to look at our menus.

Waitress: What can I get you to drink?

Ashlyn: Water for me please.

Kiara: Same thing. Thank you.

The waitress walked away, and Kiara looked at me funny.

Ashlyn: What?

Kiara: Oh nothing.

Before long the waitress came back with our drinks.

Waitress: Here you go, and if you need anything else let me know. My name if Kylie.

Kylie walked away, but looked back at me long enough to wink at me. Damn she was cute. Kiara is cuter tho, so I shook the thought. Kylie poked her head back at our table.

Kylie: You guys ready to order.

Ashlyn: I am.

Kiara: Same.

Kylie: Okay great! What can I get you guys.

Ashlyn: I'm gonna have the chicken alfredo.

Kiara: I'm going to have to shirmp tacos.

Kylie went to place the orders. Kiara looked upset, so I grabbed ger hand. She looked up from her phone, but quickly looked at it again.

-30 minutes later-

Kylie brought our food to us, and slipped something under my plate. Kiara and I began to eat and talk about some things. This is going to be a long night I can tell.

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