chapter 19

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Asylyn's POV

Nick had finally woke up, so we were talking. I was so tired but I had to find her so we continued on to her moms to ask her some questions.

-30 minutes later-

I knocked on her moms door, and waited for an answer. When she did however she didn't look happy.

Kiara's Mom: What do you want Ashlyn?

Ashlyn: Kiara is missing is she here?

Kiaras Mom: No but try downtown

I rushed back to the car and let out a sigh before driving off again.

Nick: are you sure you want to keep going you are drunk and tired.

Ashlyn: Yes I have to Nick. Who else will?

Nick just looked at me and frowned a little bit.

Kiara's POV

I made my way to my buddy Jason's house. When I got there he greeted me and let me inside. We sat down, and I told him about what had happened.

Jason: Wow so she called you a bitch? Thats kinda fucked up.

Kiara: Well she did. She was drunk, and I was upset I didn't know where else to go.

Jason: Well you always got me.

Kiara: Thanks man.

Jason: So are we gonna do anything?

Kiara: Like what?

Jason: Speedball.

I looked at him as he pulled out a syringe with heroin in it.

Kiara: You want me to get fucked up?

Jason: Just once.

I thought about it for a minute and then decided on something

Kiara: Do you have any pot?

Jason: Thank god I thought you were going to speedball there for a minute. Of course I have mary jane here with me.

We sat in his bedroom smoking up the entire room. After a while I started to feel better, and I felt extremely giggly.

Kiara: Oh my god Jason haha Jason look the guy on tv fell over nothing. Haha.

Jason: Yup it's official.

Kiara: What is?

Jason: Your high.

We both busted out laughing and eventually we got hungry, so we made our way to the kitchen and got two hot dogs plus two drinks. We sat down and watching more tv while eating our food.

Kiara: Jason?

Jason: Yeah?

Kiara: Where am I going to sleep?

Jason: Um..shit I didn't think about that. Well you could sleep in my room on the bed, and I'll sleep on the floor.

Kiara: You don't have to sleep on the floor you know.

Jason: What do you mean?

Kiara: Well there is enough room for both of us up on the bed.

Jason: Well I just thought that you wouldn't want me to sleep in the same bed with you.

Kiara: No I do. I need someone to hold me while I sleep.

Jason just looked at me puzzled at what I just explained.

Jason: Hold you?

Kiara: You know like my head on your chest; your arms wrapped around me.

Jason got in a comfortable position and I laid down on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and I took a deep breath. He smelled like a guy would smell. Axe body spray mixed with weed. Okay so maybe not like every guy. His skin was soft, and I could hear his heart pounding out his chest.

Kiara: You know you don't have to be freaking out because you are holding me. There is worse that could be going on right now.

Jason: I am not going to ask.

Kiara: Ask what?

Jason: if I tell you something you swear not to tell anyone right?

Kiara: I guess so.

Jason: I am a virgin.

Kiara: it's my turn to tell the truth. I'm a virgin too.

We both looked at each other and before I knew it we were kissing.

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