Chapter 13

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Ashlyn's POV

I can't believe this. I really can't. I let my guard down, and I got fucked. Oh my god how could I have been so stupid! My phone kept ringing, but it was Kiara. I pulled over in McDonalds, and called Kimm.

Ashlyn: Kimm.

Kiimm: Hey Ash.

Ashlyn: Can I come over.

Kimm: I guess so, but you just saw me haha

Ashlyn: Okay I'll be there soon.

I pulled off, and made my way to Kimms house.

-an hour later-

I parked my car in Kimms driveway, and walked up to the front door. I knocked on it, and waited there for her. When she came to the door she looked at me confused. I looked at my phone and realized that my eyes were bloodshot red and puffy.

Kimm: Are you okay?

Ashlyn: No

Kimm: Why are you crying?

Ashlyn: I didn't know I was.

Kimm hugged me, and I walked inside. It had been forever since I had been in her house. It looked so different now. I didn't even realize Kimm was wearing a short black dress with sunflowers on it, black wedges, and a sunflower crown.

Ashlyn: You look really cute

Kimm: thanks...

Ashlyn: let's go watch some TV

Kimm: okay

Kimms POV

Ashlyn was acting really weird. She told me I looked really cute. That's not normal. She usually messes with me and calls me ugly, but this time she said "cute" and she looked me in the eyes the whole time. We sat down, I turned on the tv.

-30 minutes later-

Ashlyn: this show is confusing.

Kimm: its just these people naked in the woods trying to get out.

Ashlyn: I don't want to see them naked...

Kimm: I don't think anyone does.

Ashlyn: I know someone I do want to see naked.

Kimm: what?

Ashlyn looked at me and then checked me out. She smirked and looked back at the TV.

Kimm: you just checked me out!

Ashlyn: no I didn't

Kimm: yes you did

Ashlyn: okay fine yes I I did check you out, but can you blame me? I mean look at you. You're gorgeous.

Kimm: ashlyn what's going on with you?

Ashlyn: Kiara broke up with me

Kimm: why?

Ashlyn: I don't know

Kimm: you should talk to her

Ashlyn: no its done. We're done.

Kimm: so now you want to sleep with me?

Ashlyn: kinda...

Kimm: wow

Ashlyn looked at me and frowned. She got up and walked to the door. I got up and stopped her. I looked into her eyes, and before I knew it we were kissing. She pulled me closer to her, and lifted me up. I crossed my legs and kept making out with her. She walked to my room, and laid me down. I leaned up and bit my lip as she slid her shirt off. I did a finger motion for her to come to me, and she did as she was told. I pulled her bra down and kissed her breasts. She moaned and kissed down my neck. It felt amazing, it was so gentle it gave me chills. I grasped her hand, and moved it down to my pussy. Ashlyn grinned and started to finger me. I moaned, and I felt myself pulsate. She went deeper into my pussy and I pulsated more and more. My body shivered, and I came everywhere. It felt amazing, and I smiled.

Ashlyn: Your smiling

Kimm: Stop! I am not.

Ashlyn: You're so beautiful.

I blushed and hid my face from Ash. She got up and went to the bathroom, and I laid there blushing.

Writer's Note:
I hope you all are enjoying the book. I am sorry it took me so long to update also. I have had SOL testing and exams are coming up so I've been studying hardcore. Thank you all for reading though :) it means a lot.

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