chapter 7

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-2 hours later-

It's been almost 2 hours since Marks took Ash to in school. I miss her, and I don't really talk to anyone in here. I was in 3rd period and was about to go to lunch. All the sudden someone snatched me into the bathroom.

Kiara: what the hell are you doing?

Ashlyn: don't cuss at me cutie

Kiara: aw boo hey; wait you snuck out of in school!

Ashlyn: no... I was done with my work so Mr.Summins let me go

Kiara: good

We went through the rest of the day, and soon we were able to go home


Ashlyn: hey baby?

Kiara: yeah?

Ashlyn: what do you want to do for our first date?

SHIT! I totally forgot about that. I am not that type of girl to go on dates, but Ash is really excited about going on one.

Kiara: well we could go to dinner?

Ashlyn: okay yeah dinner lets go!

Ashlyn's POV

- 2 hours later-

We went to take showers and get dressed. i came out wearing a shirt that said "good girls love bad girls", blue skinnies, black flats, and black a black bag that said "I woke up like this". I pulled my hair up into a messy ponytail. Kiara came into the room wearing a mint green shirt that said "I will never " it had a little anchor below the words, a maxi skirt with tribal design on it, mint green flats, and a mint green watch with a gold anchor in it. Her hair was parted down the middle and pulled forward. It wasn't curly though; it was straight.

Ashlyn: you look gorgeous.

Kiara: thank you you look nice too.

Kiara smiled and blushed. I stood up out of my chair and kissed her.

Ashlyn: Ready to go?

Kiara: Yes!

We went downstairs and told my mom and dad bye. We hopped in the car, and I was trying to figure out where to go.

Ashlyn: I GOT IT!

Kiara: GOT WHAT?

ashlyn: oh nothing

I put the car in drive, and I stared to go to the most romantic place I knew.

Kiara's POV

My mom didn't want me back in the house. she found out about me and Ashlyn, and she had messaged me before school this morning. I wanted to ask Ash if I could stay at her house but I didn't want to burden them. Plus what if ash finds out my secret. I'm screwed if that happens. she will hate me forever, and I will lose the only person that loves me.

ashlyn: Baby!

Kiara: Huh?

Ashlyn: Are you okay? You haven't spoke the whole car ride. You can tell me.

Kiara: I just... my mom kicked me out.

I continued to tell Ash about everything that happened today. She said she would talk to her mom and dad about me staying there, and that I would never be a burden. I don't know what to do this is all happening so fast.

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