chapter 12

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Ashlyn's POV

Kiara looked so cute sleeping in my arms. She smiles in her sleep like a baby would. I picked her up, and carried her to the bedroom. I laid her down and smiled down at her. I was going to cover her up, and I saw a bruise on her arm.

Ashlyn: Who hit you?

Kiara: huh?

Ashlyn: Who hit you!

Kiara: what are you talking about!

Kiara glanced at her arm and covered it up quickly. I walked out the room and called mom.

Mom: Hello?

Ashlyn: Mom get home as soon as you can.

Mom: Hunny I'm at work. Whats wrong?

Ashlyn: Kiara got beat up!

Mom: Well just be calm and help her as much as you can.

Kiara: Ashlyn?

Ashlyn: What!

Kiara: Nothing.

I looked at kiara, and hung up the phone. I sat down, and continued to look at her. She had a tear fall from her eye, and go down her cheek.

Ashlyn: Okay. What's going on with you? You aren't yourself.

Kiara: I want to tell you I just...can't.

Ashlyn: you're hiding something from me? Why?

Kiara: I don't want you to be mad.

Kiara started coughing, and she quickly covered her mouth and went to the bathroom.

Kiara's POV

-5 minutes later-

I was having another one of my coughing fits and I felt like I was going to die. I coughed up a little blood and that's why I ran to the bathroom.

Ashlyn: Kiara open the door please.

Kiara: I'll be out in a minute.

I panicked when she went to grab tools to open the door. I ran out the bathroom and thought of something to say.

Kiara: I don't want to be with you anymore!

She turned around, and looked at me. She walked up to me slowly, and let a tear fall from her eye like I did. I felt terrible and I should never had picked that to say. Ashlyn walked out the house and got in her car. I ran out after her, and jumped into she passenger seat.

Ashlyn: Get out!

Kiara: Where are you going?

Ashlyn: Now!

Kiara: Please tell me.

Ash got out the car and marched over to the passenger side. She opened the door and pulled me out. I fell in the grass, and it bent my leg back. Ash got back in the car and pulled off speeding down the road, she had to be going like 90 mph.

Kiara(T): Come back so we can talk about it!

She didn't reply, so I went and changed my clothes. I put on a blue crop top, black leggings, and sandals. I ran out to my car, and quickly made my way down the road.

-2 hours later-

I have been searching for Ash for over 2 hours and still nothing. This is bullshit I say to myself as I pull into her driveway once again. I laid my head on the steering wheel and saw myself slowly drifting to sleep. I tried to stay awake, but I was exhausted. I slowly drifted to sleep.

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