Chapter 21

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Kiara's POV

Its been 3 days since Ashlyn and I got into that huge fight. Don't get me wrong Jason is a nice guy but I miss her. I sent Jason a text, and told him I would be out when he got home. I was trying to decide if I wanted to go to Ashlyn's and try to work some things out or if I wanted to just go to my moms. I thought that it would be better to go to Ash's house because I needed to sort this shit out. I put on a grey tank top, blue Areopostle shorts, and brown and black flip flops. I left his house and made my way to hers.

-30 minutes later-

I pulled up to Ashlyn's house and looked around for her car. I didn't see it so I just went up to the house door and knocked on it. I waited there for like 5 minutes before I heard footsteps getting closer and closer to the door.

Ashlyn's Mom: Oh hello Kiara

Kiara: Hey. Do you know where Ash is? I really need to talk to her and work some things out with her.

Ashlyn's Mom: I think she is at Shelby's. You could try there.

Kiara: Thank you.

Ashlyn's Mom: Anytime hun.

I got back in the car and Drove to Shelby's house. I was super hungry, so I decided to grab something for me and Ash on the way there. I went to Taco Bell and got 4 soft tacos and 2 freezes. I got back on the road and continued to Shelby's.

-15 minutes later-

Kiara: Shelby can you let me in I have to talk to Ashlyn. Please!

Shelby: She doesn't want to talk to you so no!

At this point I was getting pissed off so I busted the door open, and I ran upstairs to where I could hear Ash laughing. When I opened the door I couldn't believe what I saw.

Ashlyn's POV

Last night was amazing, so I am going to replay everything in my head again.


Shelby: Get over her Ash she obviously has gotten over you if she's been hanging out with some guy named Jason. They seem REALLY close too.

Ashlyn: I just don't get why she would do this to me. I love her. I need her Shelby.

Shelby: NO! Ashlyn if she is doing this to her then why would you want her? She is bad news just like I told you at the mall.

Ashlyn: You know what fuck it. Hand me my phone.

Shelby: Oh no I will not allow my best friend to fuck herself over.

Ashlyn: That is not what I am doing just please give me my phone. You'll see what I'm doing in a minute.

-30 minutes later-

Someone knocked on the door and I rushed to open it.

Alani: Hey pretty girl.

Ashlyn: Hey hehe.

Alani: You wanted me here and I got here as soon as I could.

I couldn't stop looking at Alani. She was so gorgeous. She was wearing a black muscle shirt with a white flower on it, blue shorts, black vans, bracelets and earrings. she had the most beautiful eyes ever too. They were a greenish brown and they a twinkle in them. Her dreadlocks were up in a bun and she was smiling from ear to ear.

Alani: So cute stuff what you call me over here for?

Ashlyn: girl and I haven't been talking for like 3 days, and I just thought that I should get get over her and get to know new people.

Alani: Oh I am always looking for new friends if thats what you...

Ashlyn: NO! I mean Alani shit... I don't know how to say this.

I could feel myself getting all tounge tied. I guess Alani could notice I was getting nervous because she grabbed me by the hands and pulled me closer to her.

Alani: Shhh I will take care of you princess.

I felt my heart racing. I was dancing with the girl I was taking shots with only 4 days ago. She kissed my forehead and it made me blush.

Alani: Princess?

Ashlyn: Yeah?

Alani: I would go crazy if we couldn't do this again, so I want to ask you something.

Ashlyn: What is it?

At this point Alani let go of me and got on one knee. I was excited but scared. We just met and she was already asking me to marry her. What would I say? "I'm sorry but not now." "Yes baby yes please." The thoughts were rushing when I realized alani was starring at me.

Ashlyn: Oh my god Alani! I am so sorry I was daydreaming!

Alani: That is okay I will ask you again princess. Will you please do me the honor of making me your girlfriend and maybe eventually a little more?

Ashlyn: Yes!

I was so happy that she asked me out. I ran up to Shelby's room and told her that I was going to lay down with Alani in the guest bedroom. Shelby nodded and went back to bed. I held her hand all the way up the stairs and down the hallway. I got in the bed and Alani jumped on top of me. We laughed and before we knew it we were asleep snuggling together.

Present time


Ashlyn: Kiara get out of here NOW!

Alani: Hey I don't know who you are but you need to get outta here like now. Whatever princess wants she gets and obviously she wants you gone.

Kiara: How dare you Ashlyn I opened up to you about EVERYTHING! You're just a selfish drunk bitch! I hate you!

Kiara stormed out the room throwing a taco bell bag on the floor. I did feel a little bad I could tell I hurt her, but she did this to herself. Alani grabbed my face and continued to kiss it all over and tickled me till I almost peed myself. I heard my phone buzz so I picked up my phone to see a text.

Kiara(T): Why? I came to talk to you and work shit out and you do this.

Kiara(T): wow.

Kiara(T): your clothes and shit you bought me is going to be in your bedroom on the floor in the bathroom soaking in cleaner.

Kiara(T): Bye baby.

Alani: Forget her.

Ashlyn: I am. Its just hard.

Alani pulled me on her lap and wrapped her arms around me. I sighed and continued to think about it.

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