Chapter 22

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Kiara's POV

I woke up with bloodshot eyes. I was in Ashlyns bed, and I was confused. Was I dreaming? Did I really see Ash in bed with another girl? My thoughts left me as someone opened the door.

Ashlyn: Why are you here?

Kiara: I don't know.

Ashlyn: well get out. Get your stuff and leave now!

I got up and took off Ashlyn's clothes. I stated rummaging through the clothes. I felt a tear fall and I sniffled.

Ashlyn: Are you really putting on the water works to make me feel bad for you? Wow!

Kiara: it's because I'm upset you asshole.

I got up and shoved her out my way.

Ashlyn: Oh look at me I'm kiara and I am upset. BOO HOO!

I got so pissed, but I was trying to keep my cool. I called Jason and told him that I was going to need a ride to his house.

Ashlyn: Aww calling your boyfriend huh? what happened to your car?

Kiara: You and Shelby slashed my tires Ashlyn

She busted out laughing. My face got as hot as a chili pepper, and it got as red as Mars.

Kiara: I hate you!

Ashlyn: That's right get it all out.

I screamed at her and picked u a glass cup. I slung it as hard as I could at her face, but she moved out of the way right before it hit her.

Ashlyn: Kiara! What the fuck!

She glared at me and then at the broken glass

Ashlyn: Pick. It. Up. Now.

Kiara: Make me!

Ashlyn: Do it now Kiara!

Kiara: Fuck you!

Ashlyn: Do you know how hard it was?

Kiara: What?

Ashlyn: To see you with him! That killed me! Alani cares for me; Obviously you don't

Kiara: Oh I don't care? I was so worried about you until I called you, and you said I was a bitch!

I picked up a vase and in anger I threw it at her.

Ashlyn: Stop throwing shit Kiara, and I cared. It was a drunken mistake. Did you get in your car drunk as shit to look for me?

I looked at her confused.

kiara: You did that?

Ashlyn: Yup I did. Now please don't make things any harder on you or myself. Get your stuff and leave.

I walked back into her room and was thinking about jumping off a bridge.

-30 Minutes Later-

Jason had shown up finally, but I was still searching for the last of my stuff. He sat down across from Ashlyn. They both were glaring at each other when I walked in.

Kiara: Um...Ashlyn can you get the yellow bag over there please.

She looked over to me and nodded. As she got up to get it I sighed at the fact this was happening this fast. I shut the car door after Ash put the bag in. Ash started walking away and I grabbed her.

Kiara: Hey! I'm sorry.

Ashlyn: It's fine.

Ash hugged me then walked inside to leave me to my thoughts. Why was I such an idiot. Ashlyn was right. I didn't come looking for her. It did seem like I didn't care. Damn what will happen now? So many thoughts were playing through my mind. I shook them off and trudged into the house.

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