Happily ever after

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Himiko's POV

I woke up and walked downstairs to the kitchen. I took out a pan and cracked a few eggs, throwing them into the pan.
I nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt something press against my back and wrap arms around my waist.
"Morning beautiful." I calmed down after hearing that familiar voice. "Morning, Kokichi." He took my hand and gently rubbed my palm with his thumb. "For a moment, I thought you were gonna call me handsome. It would let me know what you think about me."
I stepped out of his grasp and turned to look at him. I raised my hand and showed the diamond ring on my finger. "You asked me to marry you, I said yes without hesitating, and I married you in the end. Doesn't that show you what I think about you?" "That was then. Not now." I rolled my eyes. I wrapped my arms around Kokichi's neck and pulled him closed for a kiss. It was supposed to be a short one, but he decided to be an ass and make it longer. I wasn't complaining, however.
Our little moment was interrupted by a little girl's voice. We turned our heads and saw Mizuki. Our daughter. She looks exactly like me, but had purple hair and eyes.
"Awww, don't say that, little bean. One day, you'll find someone who will do that to you too." "Gross! I won't do it!" "You'll change your mind once you're older."
"Kokichi! She's too young for that!" "So? I learned about it when I was seven." "And? Our daughter is five!" "Oh well. Guess we'll have to wait two more years then." "No! We'll wait eight more years! When she's actually old enough to know these things!"
Kokichi wasn't listening to me. Instead, he was looking behind me. I did too and saw that eggs were burning.
I ran as fast as I could and put them out. The breakfast was ruined. "I mean, we could just eat cereal", said Kokichi. I hung my head in embarrassment. "Yeah."

Kokichi's POV

We arrived at an elementary school. Mizuki excitedly hopped out. "Whoa, slow down there, little princess. You still need to say bye to mommy and daddy."
She turned around and gave me a tight hug. Then she did the same to Himiko.
"Mizuki!" We looked to the side and saw a girl with purple hair and pigtails. Behind her was another girl with long messy purple hair. "Suki! Kaishi!"
Mizuki ran to the two girls and greeted them.
Behind them were Kaito and Maki. "Hey, Kokichi! Hey Himiko!", exclaimed Kaito. "Twenty years and you're still as loud as ever. How do you deal with it Maki?" "I just have that skill", she says, rubbing her stomach. Me and Himiko looked at it to see a small bump. "You're pregnant?!" "Again? Wow, didn't know you were that kind of person, Maki." "Don't make me break your legs."
"There's no need for violence." We turned around to see Kiibo holding the hand if his 6 year old son, Jabori. How did he get a kid, you ask? It's a long, and disturbing, story.
Another car pulled up and a boy jumped out. He had black hair and purple eyes. "Hi, Matsu!", exclaimed Mizuki. Matsu jumped. "H-hi." I look at the driver of the car Matsu was in. "Like father like son, eh, Shuichi?" "Hey, I wasn't that nervous."
"Anyway, you kids should go. You don't want to be late, right?", said Himiko. The kids shook their heads and ran into the school. Mizuki turned to us and waved.
"So, Kiibo, where's your wife?", asked Shuichi. "Miu wanted to put something onto Jabori's backpack, which I thankfully found a way to avoid. What about you?" "Kaede spent the whole night writing a song. I decided to let her sleep in."
For the next few minutes were just the bunch of us catching up, until we had to depart. I mean, we had jobs after all.

That night, me and Himiko were snuggling on the couch, enjoying each other's company.
"Was work rough?", she asked.
"Nope. But it was boring. Not many people came today." "If it's so boring, why bother being a store clerk in the first place?"
"Because then I get to save all the excitement with you." I kiss her on the lips, where I felt her smile.

Himiko's POV

This was a nice feeling. The feeling of Kokichi's lips on mine. I never wanted it to end.
He was the best thing to ever happen to me. He makes me feel loved. He makes me feel special. And best of all...
He gave me a family.
"What is it? Couldn't sleep?" Mizuki nodded her head. I stood up and followed her upstairs.
We reached her room, where I tucked her into bed.
"Mommy, can you tell me a story?" "A story? What story?" "The story." I smiled at her, and sensed Kokichi leaning against the doorway, looking at us.
"Okay. Here's the story of a little witch and a supreme leader, and how that witch became the supreme leader's bride..."

And that's the end of the story. Thank you all so much for reading and the votes you gave. It was really appreciated.
In the meantime, don't forget to stay cool, awesome, and most importantly, endertastic.

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