Opened eyes

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Kokichi's POV

I sat in class and noticed Himiko looking at me. I waved at her, but she didn't wave back. Odd.
I felt Maki nudge my arm. "We need to talk after class." I raise an eyebrow at her, but agreed.

After class, I walked over to Himiko to greet her, but she looked down and walked away. I felt... hurt, in a way. "Kokichi." I turn around to see Maki. "So, you wanted to talk? What about? Dating advice for the astronaut?", I teased, which made her blush.
"It's about Himiko." I stared at the assassin in confusion. "Last night... she was attacked." I jumped. "What?! By who?! I know, I'll get my gang to rob their house, then mess it up!" "That's the thing, Kokichi. She was attacked by someone in D.I.C.E." I went speechless. "It was Yuri."
I looked down. "What did she do?" Maki sighed. "She was going to kill her. Be happy I was there." I leaned against the wall and slid to the floor. "I knew Yuri had a crush on me, but I didn't think it was that big. Where is she now?" "Arrested. But that's the least of your worries. I told Himiko." "Told her what?" "...everything." I stood up and grabbed her arms. "What do you mean everything?!" Maki looked me in my eyes. "She knows about D.I.C.E., and about you." I went silent after this.
"If it makes you feel any better, she doesn't know your the leader." I remained silent. "I have to talk to her. I don't care if she hates me, she deserves to know the truth." And with that, I walked off.

I approached the schoolyard, and saw Himiko sitting on a bench. I slowly walked up to her. "Hey." She glanced at me. "Hey." There was another silence.
"Maki told me what happened. So I understand if you hate me." "That's the thing. I don't know how to feel. I can't decide whether to forgive you or hate you. It makes my head hurt so much. I just want it to stop!"
I placed my hand in her shoulder. "What can I do to make things right?" She looked at me with hints if tears escaping her eyes. "I want you to tell me truth. The whole truth. I know Maki did, but I want to hear it from you."
I stood up. "Okay. I will tell you the truth. The whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Even things Maki didn't tell you."
I took a deep breath. "Himiko, I am apart of the terrorist organization known as D.I.C.E., and not just that, but I am also its leader." Himiko's eyes widened. "Yuri, the girl who attacked you, had a crush in me. I didn't feel the same way for her, since I wasn't one for feelings. But that all changed when I met you. You opened my eyes." I then sat on the ground. "But maybe if my eyes were opened earlier, we wouldn't be in this situation."
I then stood up and walked away. Or, I was about to, until a pair of arms wrapped around me. "You idiot." I looked over my shoulder to see Himiko crying into my back.

" I looked over my shoulder to see Himiko crying into my back

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"When I found out you lied to me, I was hurt. Hurt that you used me. Maki told me you lied to protect me, now I know it's true. But it hurts. It hurts when you lie to me. It hurts because... I love you!"
My eyes shot wide open.
I removed Himiko's arms from me and turned around. "There's another truth I need to tell you." "And what is that-!" I cut her off by kissing her on lips. She hesitated, but melted in. We stayed like that for ten seconds, until we parted. "I love you too." Our heads leaned onto each other. "I'm quitting." "Huh?" "D.I.C.E.. I'm quitting D.I.C.E.. The more I'm with them, the more I could put you at risk. I don't want that."
Himiko placed her hands in the side of my face. "Thank you." I put my one hand over hers. "Anything for my girlfriend." She blushed at this. "G-girlfriend?" "There a problem?" "N-no! It's just, I never thought I'd have a boyfriend, that's all." "Well, guess what? You got one!" We held hands as we walked back to our classes.

Third person's POV

Unbeknownst to the new couple, there was someone watching them. "D-disband? Us?", said Tohru. "Yusuke is not gonna like this." The girl ran off to the headquarters of D.I.C.E. to tell her teammates the unfortunate news.

Sorry if the argument between Kokichi and Himiko wasn't good enough. I'm not good at writing drama, so excuse the anti climax.

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