To the rescue

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Kokichi's POV

Me and Himiko walked to my house. We decided to go there again, since, well, she asked. Weirdly enough, I agreed without doing my usual thing. Usually I'd curiously ask a person why they want something from me or tease them. But with Himiko, I didn't do any of that. It felt... weird.
We arrived at my home, but what I saw made my heart stop. A car. My dad's car. He was home. "Himiko, maybe we should..."
"Kokichi!" I turned around hesitantly, looking at my dad, who stood at the front door. "Hey, dad. You're... home early." "Got time off work. Who's she?" "This is Himiko. She's my tutor."
My dad gave me a look of distrust, which is the same look he gives me every day. "Well, come inside then."
We did as we were told.

Himiko's POV

Me and Kokichi sat in the dining room, going over his work. I was trying to keep my composure, but that was hard to do knowing that Kokichi's father was here.
I made a plan with the others. After tutoring Kokichi, Shuichi would've showed up and recorded Kokichi being abused. I just hoped that plan was still in motion.
In the middle of our session, I went to go get a glass of water for Kokichi, because he asked. When I entered the kitchen, I was met with Mr. Ouma's glare. "So, you're dating my son?" I was flustered at this. "N-no sir." "Well you're hanging out with him, so you must have a lot in common." He started walking towards me. "Tell me, are you a little troublemaker too? Do you just mess everything up? Are you like my poor excuse of a son?!"
He said this while holding me up against the wall. At that time, Kokichi walked into the kitchen. He ran towards us and pulled his dad away from me, only to be smacked onto the ground. "Stay out of this, You little bastard!" He walked over to Kokichi and was about to smack him, before being tackled to the ground. "Sorry we're late", said the tackler, who was revealed to be Kaito.
I look at the kitchen doorway and see Shuichi, Kaede, Maki, Kiibo, Miu, Tenko and Angie. "Great. More brats who are a pain in the ass." "Mr. Ouma, for domestic abuse, you are under arrest", said Shuichi. "Am I? Am I really? Who's gonna believe you? The police?", laughed Mr. Ouma.
We then heard something that sounded like a computer playing. We looked over to Kiibo and saw his chest had a screen on it. The screen showed a recording of me and Kokichi being assaulted. Mr. Ouma was furious. "You little piece of..." He ran towards Kiibo, but Kaito jumped in the way. He was punched in the face and fell to the ground.
Maki then ran in and roundhouse kicked Mr. Ouma in the face. He was knocked out. I ran over to Kokichi and hugged him. "What are you guys doing here?", asked Kokichi.
"I had a feeling something was wrong, so I came here as fast as I could. Good thing I did."
We dialed the police and waited for them to arrive
After waiting for ten minutes, the cops arrived and arrested Kokichi's father.

Maki's POV

I sat next to Kaito. "You alright? He gave you quite a punch."
"I'm perfect! That was some kick you gave him, Maki Roll!" "Maki Roll?" "Yeah! Thought I'd give you a nickname. If that's okay."
I looked away and hid my blush. "Yeah, sure."

Kiibo's POV

I walked over to Miu. "Miu, I'd like to thank you for the recording mechanism you installed in me. It was very useful today."
"You can thank me by going to prom with me, you dummy!" For some reason I felt heat in my face.

Himiko's POV

"Hey, Kokichi. Are you feeling okay?" I looked at his face. He looked... relieved.
"Yeah. I feel great! Just wondering where I'm gonna live now."
"With me!" Me and Kokichi looked in the same direction at Kaito. "I have an extra room, and I'm sure my grandparents wouldn't mind!"
"You actually want me to stay at your place?", asked Kokichi. "Yeah! I mean, what are friends for!"
I saw Kokichi's eyes go wide, and a small tear in the corner of his eye. He wiped it away and stood up. "Sure. Why the hell not. Who knows, I might find some blackmail for you", Kokichi said, with a mischievous grin. "There's the Kokichi Ouma we know", said Shuichi.
I looked at Kokichi with a smile. He may have grinned like that, but I knew, that deep down, he felt happy. Really happy.

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