Saving Himiko

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Himiko's POV

I woke up and stretched my arms over my head. I then rubbed my eyes and climbed out, much to my dismay.
As I walked down the stairs I heard whispers. "Hello? Is someone there?" As I reached the foot of the stairs, all went silent. I decided to let it be, until I felt something grab me from behind. Before I could ask what was happening, a rag went over my nose and mouth.
A strange smell entered my nostrils, making me fall asleep. Before my eyes went shut, I watched as three shadowy figures stood over me.

Kokichi's POV

The day was boring, to be honest. "Maybe I should go to Himiko's", I thought. "She always manages to entertain me."
My thoughts were interrupted as a knock was at my door. It was Kaito. "Hey, Kokichi? This came for you."
In his hand was a tablet. He came closer to ne and showed turned it on.
"Hello, Ouma", said the screen. It was Yusuke. Why was he calling?
"You are most likely confused as to why you're watching this, well, here is your answer." Yusuke stepped to the side and showed something that made me speechless.
It was Himiko. Tied to a chair.
"If you want her back, then come to our old hideout. Tonight. Alone."
And after that, the video stopped and the tablet short circuited. The pain hit my hand so hard I dropped the device to the ground.
"Kokichi, who was that?", asked Kaito. I looked at him.


Himiko's POV

I sat in the chair, the ropes scratching my skin. "You know, now that I take a closer look at you, you're kinda cute."
I looked up to see a young man with blonde hair that stood up, making him look like a cockatoo. "I wonder... what does it feel like when someone gets kissed with those lips?"
He grabbed my face and leaned in closer.
"That's enough Enji", said a girl with pigtails.
"Awww, I was just having fun Mina."
"Well stop it. Kokichi could show up any moment, so get your ass back out here." "Ugh, fine."
Once again, I was left alone. "Please, Kokichi. Don't do anything stupid."
The door opened again, this time a chubby man walked in. He picked me up and walked out the door.
"Ah, miss Yumeno! Glad you could join us!", said the guy called Yusuke. "We want your little boyfriend to see what he's in for if he doesn't follow our offer."
I was confused by what he meant, but didn't get time to ask as the entrance to the building opened. In walked someone I was so happy to see.
"Am I late?", asked Kokichi. "No. In fact, you're right on time. Are you alone?" "Just like you asked." Kokichi looked at me with a reassuring smile. "So, what's this about?"
"A little bird told me that you were planning to leave us." "So what if I was?" "Well, we can't have you leaving us, sir." "If you guys want a leader, why don't you just become one."
"Because it won't be same! You made us infamous! Feared! But if you were to leave, that will all be for nought!"
Yusuke then looked at me. "And it is all this girl's fault. So, we will return her to you, on one condition."
"Which is?" "You leave her, and become our leader again. It's as simple as that." Kokichi looked at me with a look that said he was sorry. "Fine. You win."
My eyes widened. Was he really going to leave me? "A wise choice." The girl named Mina came over and cut me loose. I ran to Kokichi and hugged him, regardless of his plan to break up with me.
"Oh, and Yusuke?" "Yes?" "I lied." Kokichi smiled mischievously, and as he did, a figure landed on one of the goons.
It was Maki.
"Why you little..." Another guy was running at Maki, only for Kaito to jump out and punch him. "Hands off my girl!" I notice Maki blush at this.
"You filthy degenerates!" I turned my head to where Kokichi entered, and saw Tenko running in, with Angie, Shuichi, Kaede, Kiibo and Miu behind her.

Kokichi's POV

It was now a party. My former teammates were getting their asses handed to them by my friends.
"Hey, you okay?", I asked Himiko. She looked at me and nodded. I couldn't hold back, so I kissed her gently on the lips.
"NO!" I turned my attention to Yusuke, who took out something from his pocket.
A gun.
He pulled the trigger, and out of instinct, I jumped in front of Himiko, feeling the bullet pierce my stomach. I touched the currently bleeding hole, and began falling to the floor.
"KOKICHI!!!", yelled Himiko, as I passed out.

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