Getting ready for prom

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Kokichi's POV

Tomorrow. That's when the prom is. Tomorrow. School just ended and me, Kaito, Shuichi, and Kiibo went shopping for, well, a uniform. For me, of course, since this is the first school social event I've ever gone to. Himiko cancelled our tutor session so that we could get ready for prom.
"Alright men! Spread out!", exclaimed Kaito. "Why?", asked Kiibo. "Why? To search for a uniform for Kokichi of course!" He then turned to me. "Alright, Kokichi. You stay right here. We'll find the perfect outfit for you."
And off they went. I was all by myself. I saw a nearby stool and decided to sit on it. I waited a few minutes before the guys showed up with clothes for me.

We started reviewing every single outfit that was prepared for. I didn't exactly care about what was going on, since I just wanted an outfit, but I still didn't want to look like a freak show.
Eventually, we decided on the perfect outfit. It was a lavender dress shirt with a black tie, along with some black jeans.

"It's perfect!", exclaimed Kaito

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"It's perfect!", exclaimed Kaito.
"Not bad", complimented Shuichi.
"I like it", said Kiibo.
And so, my uniform for prom was chosen.

Himiko's POV

Me, Tenko, Angie, Kaede, Miu, and Maki went shopping for prom dresses.
"Why did I have to come here?", I asked. "You don't really have a choice, Himiko. Besides, don't you want to impress Kokichi?", asked Kaede.
I then felt myself blush. "I take it that your blush means yes?" "Wait, donkey lips is into that rat? Who knew", said Miu. "I swear, if that degenerate so much as touches you..." "Calm down Tenko. Atua will ensure Himiko's protection."
"Can we just get this over with, please", said Maki. "Right. On we go ladies!", said Kaede.
We arrived at the clothing store and split up to search for my dress. I stayed behind, since I didn't really want to look.
"Here we are!", said Miu, who was followed by the other girls. "Time for a fashion show!"

A few minutes passed by of me trying on various dresses, before we came to the perfect one. It was a short orange dress, without straps or sleeves.

 It was a short orange dress, without straps or sleeves

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"You look amazing Himiko!", exclaimed Kaede.
"Atua agrees", said Angie.
"It's absolutely perfect!", said Tenko.
Maki just nodded with a small smile.
"That purple rat is definitely gonna be into you!", exclaimed Miu.
I blushed at her comment. "Whatever. Can we go now?" "Well, we did find the perfect dress, so I don't see why not", said Tenko.
"Then let's buy it and blow this popsicle stand!", exclaimed Miu.

We purchased the dress and walked to the car. "Hey, Himiko", said Maki. "Yeah?" "What kind of hair does Kaito like?"
I raise an eyebrow, and smiled knowing where she was getting at. I decide not to pry and try to come up with a good answer, since I don't know what Kaito's favorite hairstyle is.
"Try without the pigtails. Maybe that could work." I see her place a finger on her chin, signifying that she is thinking. "Maybe it could."
I smiled at her and we continued walk to the car.

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