The date

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Himiko's POV

Today was the day. The day of the date. I still couldn't believe Kokichi asked me out. I was so curious for what he had planned out for the two of us.
I picked out my outfit. I chose a maroon v-neck shirt with a black knee length skirt. Just for good measure I put a black headband in my hair.
I walked to the park, since that's where Kokichi told me to meet him. I arrived and began waiting for three minutes. I grew impatient. Then I felt a pair of hands cover my eyes. "Guess who!" I forgot completely about my impatience and smiled gently. I removed the two hands from my face and turned around, seeing Kokichi.
He was wearing a purple and white raglan shirt with jeans. He looked rather snazzy. "Well, shall we, m'lady?", Kokichi asked, offering his hand. I giggled at his gesture.

We began walking. "Hey, Kokichi. Where are we going?" "Anywhere is fine. I'm just looking for an opportunity." "But what if it's expensive?" "Don't worry. I've got enough cash for the both of us."
I crossed my arms. "Was that a lie?" "Of course not. I really do have enough money. Besides, why would I lie to you?" I felt my heart fluttered at that. The way he emphasized my name made it sound like I was the most important person to him.
"Oh, look! A restaurant! You hungry?" I nodded. "Sure. I could eat." We walked into a coffee shop. "Hi! Welcome! Table for two?", asked a waitress that was at the door. Kokichi nodded. "Right this way then." The waitress led us to a table that was near the window, which is what Kokichi requested.
We both ordered mochas, then the waitress left the two of us in each other's presence. "So, why did you want to sit here?", I asked. "The light shines good here. That way I could clearly see how beautiful you look." I blushed crazy. "Why do you always have to flirt with me like that?"
"Just stating facts", he said. That made me blush more.
The waitress then arrived with our mochas. I took a sip of mine, then noticed Kokichi giggle at me. I gave him a confused look, which made him gesture at the spot between his lip and nose. I looked closely at the mirror to try and see my reflection. I did, and saw I had a foam mustache. I looked at Kokichi, who took a sip of his mocha and also got a foam mustache. "Now we match", he said with a goofy smile. I couldn't help but giggle at this.
We finished our drinks and continued our walk. "How about a movie? I mean, that's what happens on a date, doesn't it?" "Sounds good." We booked tickets at a theater for a movie, then went in. Kokichi bought one bucket of popcorn. "Why one?", I asked. "Sharing is caring", he said childishly.
We found our seats and prepared for the movie. Somewhere in between the film, Kokichi and I reached for the bucket of popcorn at the same time and touched hands. I blushed, while Kokichi didn't bother. I pulled away and rested my arm on the armrest.
Then I felt Kokichi's hand rest on mine. "K-Kokichi?" "What? Your hand feels nice."
At this point, I've lost count of how many times I had blushed.

Kokichi's POV

After the movie, we went to an amusement park that was close by. While there, I noticed Himiko stare at a frog plush. "You want it?", I whispered in her ear. She staggered back in surprise. "No! I was just-!" I placed my money on the counter and picked up a ball.
I threw it at the tower of bottles, and hit them all. "What would you like my good man?", asked the man at the counter. "That one, please", I answered, pointing at the frog plush.
He handed it to me, then I gave it to Himiko.
"Y-you didn't have to." "For you, Himi, anything." I smiled at her blush and the way she squeezed the plush in her arms.
We continued walking around until we reached the Ferris wheel. We got on a cart and started moving. It was slow, but nice. We came to the top, which is where I noticed Himiko trembling. "Himi? You okay?" She looked at me, still shaking. "Y-yeah. I j-just don't do well with h-heights." I scooted closer to her and wrapped my arm around her waist. "Don't worry. I'm right here. I'm not going nowhere."
Himiko started to calm down. "Yeah. And even if we fall, I'll just use my magic to make us float."
I smiled. "There's the Himiko I know."

Himiko's POV

After getting off the Ferris wheel, I noticed that the setting. "Guess it's time to bring our little date to a close, huh?", Kokichi said. "I guess it is", I replied.
We walked out of the amusement park, and stopped on the side of the road. Kokichi raised his arm and showed a thumbs up, making a taxi stop in front of us. He opened the door for me like a gentleman. After the both of us climbed in, Kokichi told the driver where to go, which was my address.
Since it was a long day, I was feeling a bit tired. Kokichi offered me to lie on his shoulder, which I did. It felt nice. Sadly, it came to end when we arrived at my house. Kokichi payed the taxi driver, then we climbed out.
We stood in front of my door, where I looked at him. "I had a great time today. Thanks." "Don't mention it. Don't think this is the only time we'll ever do it, since I'm gonna take you out on dates very often." I smiled at him. "I'd like that."
There was then a silence that hung in the air. My body moved on its own and leaned closer to Kokichi. Unexpectedly, I planted my lips onto his. He returned it. Our kiss lasted for ten seconds. "Wow. Now that was a magical kiss." "I don't do magic kisses." "Is that right?" I playfully pushed him. "See you tomorrow, Kokichi." "Same goes to you, Himi."
I entered my house. After that, I mentally squealed.
"I went on a date with a guy! And I kissed him! That was amazing!"
"It was supposed to be me." I jumped and looked to my left. There stood a girl, who was wearing an outfit that looked like Kokichi's everyday wear. "I was supposed to be his first kiss! Me! No one else!"
I was a little concerned. Mainly with the way this girl was talking. "Excuse me, but who are you?" The strange girl took out a knife. "I'm Yuri. And you and me are gonna have a nice chat."

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