🍋Seme!Yasuhiro x Uke!Reader🍋

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Title: First time
Au: No (In killing game) (Y/n and Hiro have been dating since the 3rd Trial after you defended him alot)
This is requested by ShivermeTimbers13 thank you for requesting 😼

Yasuhiro Pov
It was just after the 4th trial. Me and (Y/n) were eating in the dining hall. I could tell he was shaken up and very sad about Sakuras death, I had already apologised for the ordeal and he said it was fine but I can't help but feel guilty.
(Y/n) has quite the sweet tooth so we stayed at the dining hall until he devoured every sweet in sight (sorry if you don't like sweets), after he finished we went to his dorm.

We were on his bed, (Y/n) buried his head in my chest and I hugged him close. He started crying. (Y/n) was crying and crying, all I could do was pat his pack and try comfort him.
"U-umm! Don't worry (Y/n) we'll be okay, we can get through this together" I said worried, (Y/n) just nodded into my chest sniffling.
"Oh! I know!" I said getting up
"I'll go get you those yummy sweets from the warehouse!"
I started to walk to the door when I felt (y/n) grab my wrist.
"Don't go... please *hic* stay" he said, tears still in his eyes.
"A-ah! Okay"
I sat back on the bed and placed (Y/n) on my lap facing me, he hugged me and I put the face in the crook of his neck, gently kissing his neck. (Y/n) started to blush and grip onto my shirt. I started to move lower, kissing and making every spot on his neck.
"Hngg... H-hiro..." (Y/n) said, stuttering from the small amounts of pleasure.

(Y/n) pov
Yasuhiro kept marking my neck and started to undress me, I weakly pulled his top off and stared in awe; he didn't look it, but he was quite muscular.
"Are you ready to do it..?" He asked
I blushed and looked away nodding. Hiro gently started to kiss my chest and pinch my nipples making me gasp, after a while of this I started to tug on his bottoms and underwear.
"Hmhm, your excited~"
Yasuhiro took off my bottoms and under wear and laid me on the bed, I blushed from the way he looked at me. Hiro liked two of his fingers and looked at me.

"I'm gonna stretch you out okay?" He said making sure I was ok.
"O-okay!" A deep blush spread across my entire face. Hiro pushed his two fingers against my hole and slowly entered, I moaned from the sudden pleasure and pain, Hiro was worried he did something wrong and kept checking on me.
"I'm gonna move my fingers now" he said softly. He pushed his fingers deeper into me and moved them, he opened his fingers and shoved them in and out making me moan a lot.
"Haahh... H-Hiro it f-feels weird... hnnngg~" he brushed against my sweet spot making me gasp in pleasure, he then jabbed at that spot making me drool and moan crazily.
"Haaahh... mmnn..."
"I think your stretched enough" Hiro said, removing his fingers. He limed his hard member up with my wet hole and looked at me lovingly. He started to push in, I felt every inch of it go up, it felt incredible.

"I-i'm all in" I was drooling and tears pricked my eyes. Yauhiro put my legs on his shoulders and started to move, his whole length filled my hole.
"Hngg... hhaa!" He hit my sweet spot again and started to quicken his pace. Hiro was grunting at every push, I became a moaning mess, blushing and drooling everywhere. The pain started to fade and Hiro gently kissed me, he pushed his tounge on the lip asking for entrance and I gave it. His tounge reached every area in my mouth, I didn't even have the strength to fight for dominance. Yasuhiro kept pounding my hole making me moan and moan, it had been about half an hours and he was still going.
"H-H-Hiro I'm c-close..!"
"M-me too (y/n)!" Hiro grunted
I tightened as he hit my spot once more and shot out white strings of cum, Yasuhiro moaned from the sudden tightness and with one final pound came in me. We were panting and kissing passionately, Hiro was holding my face as I had my arms wrapped around his neck.
"T-that was... so good~" I said in ecstacy
"Yeah.." Hiro said with a sigh of relief
He pulled out gently, making me moan. He himself then cleaned me and fell next to me. He hugged me tight and pet my head softly. The comfterbale silence aloud me to start drifting of, Yasuhiro spooning me, keeping me safe. We both fell asleep feeling happy and calm.

(831 words ^-^. I'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted but this is how I imaged Hiro would be like. I do like Hiro myself so thanks for the request!)

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