🌸Mondo x M!Reader🌸

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This was requested by eddworldships! Thanks for requesting and I hope I wrote it how you wanted~
Also I'm very sorry I'm bad at fluff and it's pretty short 😥

Title: Time travel
AU: Time travel AU
Info: The ultimate quantum scientist created Time travel and Mondo decided to see what his future is like

Not proof read!

2nd person pov
A huge deal was made about a school assembly. Apparently a student with the talent of the ultimate quantum scientist discovered time travel! You were amazed at the discovery but you weren't one to tamper with the future - you like the element of surprise - however, your bestfriend Mondo, felt as if this was a once in a life time opportunity and had some... questions... he needed answered. As the whole school shuffled into the sports hall, you sat next to Mondo in the front row (he was clearly excited for this) and you watched with a smile as his eyes eagerly followed the young scientist.
The assembly started and the student explained everything about teaching and the science behind it but to be honest you sorta zoned off for most of it - that was until you were made to sign a contract that obliged you to never utter a word of this to the public before release. After the contracts were collected, the student offered 5 other people to test the machine out, and Mondo rose to the occasion as fast as he could - luckily getting chosen as the fourth participant. You watched, now interested, as Mondo waited in line to use the time machine, when it was finally his turn, he was handed a small remote with a singular button on it and he was then made to select a time he wanted to be taken to.
Unbeknownst to you, Mondo selected three years in the future. Mondo desperately wanted to see how your relationship with him turned out, would it remain a friendship or would it become more? And you may wonder why Mondo would want to know this, and that's because ever since arriving at hopes peak and laying his eyes on you, Mondo had fallen for you - and he had no chance of getting up.

Once Mondo had arrived at his desired time, he was in his 'new form', the student explained when he was talking (y'know when you weren't listening) that the machine doesn't let you tamper with time, it only let's you see into the future - you're there, but you're not, you're in an ephemeral form that can't be seen by others. So Mondo, now floating infront of his future home, stared in awe at the homey looking and large house that was said to be his - he never thought in a million years he'd have a house like this, and the inside was even better. Mondo easily phased through the front door and looked around, observing the nice and modern kitchen as well as the beautifully decorated living room; clearly this wasn't his work.
He heard a giggle, a familiar one, one that sent his heart rushing at the speed of sound. Without a second thought, Mondo followed that sweet giggle he knew all too well, up the grey carpeted stairs and up to a closed door. Next to the floating specter that was Owada was an open bathroom door, but he couldn't care less about that, Mondo was fully focused on the closed door that seemed to lead to a bedroom - a shared bedroom. For some reason, Mondo hesitated, he was scared he wouldn't see what he wanted - what if it was him third wheeling you and your future lover, what if it was him with another, but Mondo set those fears aside and summed up his ☠🤬Biker Man🤬☠ courage; Passing through the door. Inside the room was a double bed, the room was nicely decorated with a poster of Mondo's gang and cute (f/c) clutter around the room, but Mondo paid little to no attention to the room itself, his eyes were instead wide and sparkingling, mouth agape with a slight smile as he looked at the two people on the bed. One of then was of course Mondo, and he was cuddling, wrapping his muscular arms around an older version of you. Current Mondo became ecstatic at what he was seeing, he saw his future self happy and embracing the love of his life, he looked so blissful with his head on top of your (h/c) hair, and Mondo loved how perfect you fit in his arms. A short two beat beep was heard from the remote Mondo held in his left hand - signalling he had about two more minuets- but Mondo didn't care if he had one second left, he knew he was gonna end up happy with you, and that was all he needed from this little inter-temporal and dimensional trip.

I hope you enjoyed that, I apologise if you didn't, I'm not too happy with it myself since I'm shit at fluff but too bad - my requests reclosed due to the amount of requests I received, I have like 6 more requests so I'll see u soon!

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