🍋Uke!Kiyotaka x Seme!M!Reader🍋

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This was requested by PansexualTomboy! Thanks for your request and I'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted

Title: Power
AU: Non-Despair (so regular school)
Info: you're usually late to classes and you fuck about a lot so Taka (as a hall monitor) usually gives you detentions
Taka and you are also secretly dating

3rd pov
(Y/n) was late to class, again. He was too busy looking at videos on his phone in the school bathroom to notice the end of lunch bell ring. As he was walking down the empty hallway, (Y/n) heads some footsteps approach him from behind.
'Shit, I'm gonna get shouted at by a teacher again...' (Y/n) mentally groaned as he felt a hand grasp his shoulder, but the voice he heard wasn't one of a teacher.
"(Y/n). You are late to your lesson once again." The stern voice of (Y/n)'s boyfriend, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, stated. Turning around to face him, (Y/n) crossed his arms and put on a smirk
"And what're you gonna do about it? Mr Hall Monitor~" (Y/n) teased his boyfriend with the nickname.
"Give out a detention, that's what"
"Huh?" (Y/n)'s mouth hung open as a detention slip was given to him, his flirty teasing going unnoticed.
"After school for an hour" Kiyotaka smiled proudly
"Hah... I'll see you one hour after school then" (Y/n) said with a slightly angry expression as he walked off to his lesson - leaving a blushing and accomplished Kiyotaka in the hall, his provocation going to plan.

As (Y/n)'s lesson went on, all he could think about was ways to teach his boyfriend a lesson, luckily his lust and anger made the lesson go by much quicker - however he still had a detention to go to.
The detention was going by extremely slow, so slow in fact that (Y/n)'s bonner has almost fully gone down, however the detention ended right before he had gone fully soft. (Y/n) walked as fast as he could to his boyfriend's room, ready to give him a piece of his mind, along with something else.

2nd person pov
Once you finally arrived at your boyfriend's dorm, you knock on the door and wait for him to answer. Once Kiyotaka answers the door, you immediately walk into the room and push your now flustered boyfriend against a wall.
"H-Hello (Y/n)" He stutters out
"Don't you 'hello' me" You say looking into Taka's eyes with lust. You begin to kiss him harshly, clashing your lips together with tons of force. Pulling at Taka's bottom lip with your teeth to ask for entrance, he quickly accepts and you force your wet muscle into his mouth - dominating his cavern and exploring every inch.
As your tongues got into a rythem, twirling and dancing around each other, you begin to move your hands up Kiyotaka's shirt and place your hands around his upper chest - rubbing his pink buds with your thumbs.

Taka slightly squirmed in your arms and moaned softly into the kiss from the small shots of pleasure he was feeling, encouraging you to go on. You break the kiss and begin to kiss slowly down his jawline to his neck, leaving red marks and hickeys in highly visible areas - whilst you do this, your rubbing turns into pinching and twisting on his nipples, causing Taka to audibly moan and cover his mouth weakly with his hand. You continue to mark his neck with red spots until you find a spot that made your boyfriend flinch.
"Haha, did I find it?" You asked with a chuckle and a smirk, continuing to suck and nibble on that area - causing Kiyotaka to be unable to respond with coherent words.
"Hngg.. Th-Theraghnnn..." he moaned as you sucked on that spot with extra force. You continued to harass that spot and pinch and twist his buds with more force, causing your boyfriend to moan more and more. Once you felt he started to adjust to the sucking feeling, you harshly bit into Kiyotaka's sweetspot, causing him to moan loudly in pain and pleasure, his underwear getting tighter and tighter.

Finnaly, you stop abusing his neck and nipples. You look into your boyfriend's eyes with hunger
"Get on the bed and strip, will you?" You asked, more like demanded, Taka following suit immediately.
You walk over to the bed, your boyfriend lying on it with his bare ass in the air
'Heh... He wanted this all along' You think as you cover your two fingers in your saliva. Without waring, you shove a whole digit into Taka's tight hole, causing him to moan from the sudden friction
"Haaa! (Y-Y/n)!" He moaned as you shove your finger in and out of his tight ring, loosening him up for your solid member. As his hole begins to stretch, you add in a second finger, opening him up in a scissoring motion
"Hnggg! S-Shit!" Kiyotaka grunted out.

A semi-loud smack was heard.
"Now now, the top student shouldn't be using such vulgar language" you tease scolded your squirming boyfriend.
"I'm sorry- Aaanggh!" He moaned out as you shoved your two fingers as deep as you could. You rubbed along his wet insides, causing him to moan out incoherent words of pleasure.
After a little while, you took your fingers out of his slimy hole, and slipped out your rock hard cock, positioning it at his entrance.
Kiyotaka nodded in assurance for you to continue, and so you shoved your full length into his quivering ring.
"Nnfgg!" He moaned out, his walls clenching tightly around your stiff rod.
You began to pound into his loosend hole as squelching, wet sounds were heard - Taka moaning at every entrance and exit. You continued to shove your length in and out of your boyfriend's wet hole, leaning over him and placing your hands on either side of him - his blush could be seen on his ears as he stuffed his face in a pillow to lower his moans.
"Hng!" "Anghhh!" "Gahhh!" Was all that was heard, along with the loud sound of skin slapping, your swollen balls smaching his plum cheeks as you smashed your hips into his. You continued to plow his ass with your cock until an especially loud moan erupted from Taka
"Naaaaagh!" Taka moaned and lifted his head up when you hut his prostate head on. You chuckled and began to angle your cock to hit that area again and again.

God knows how long past until finally, you shouted loudly
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum!" You grunted out as you drilled your rod into your boyfriend's warm insides
"M-Me too! GAAHHH!" Taka moaned as he spurted out his warm, white liquid onto the bed covers - his walls clenched with his orgasm, causing you dick to twitch and spill out your warm milk, covering Taka's insides.
You rested on Kiyotaka as you pumped him full of your seed, once the two of you were down from your high, you pulled out and went to grab some wet towels to clean your lover up.

Once you cleaned him up, the two of you layed in his bed and watched TV until you were tired. As you were both falling asleep Taka whispered to you
"I love you"
"I love you too, but... Fuck you for that detention" you responded, causing your boyfriend to chuckle.

Thanks for reading! Sorry if you didn't like this but thank you for your request! I didn't write this in first person for the same reason as the mondo one, but I hope you still enjoyed, next I am hoping to write a long AGED UP Kokichi smut!!

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