💚Nagito x M!Reader💚

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Title: Love sick
AU: Non-despair (At regular school)
Warning: Lime - explicit/sexual themes

You and Nagito have been regularly hooking up but haven't really given your relationship a label - I'm so sorry nagito will probs be so ooc

There is an a/n at the bottom plz read it!!~

3rd pov
What a shitty situation (y/n) was in... It all started last night

~Funkie Flashback~

The sound of panting filled the room. It was late into the hours of the night, in Nagito's dorm (just know in most of these non despair aus every student gets a dorm). Cum stained the sheets and their abdomens as (y/n) and Nagito tried to catch their breaths. It was so late that Nagito fell asleep still inside of (y/n)...
"N-nagito..?" (Y/n) quietly asked
'Shit this is bad, I can't take it out with out waking him...' (y/n) thought to himself. The feeling of Nagito's semi-hard member laying inside of
(y/n)'s hole made it hard for him to get comfortable. Droplets of Nagito's fluids started to leak out but most of it remained clogged by Nagito's shaft.

Eventually, (y/n) managed to fall asleep, but that came to bite him in the ass later.
In the morning, Nagito woke up and felt (y/n) warm walls around him - this made him get instant morning wood. Nagito felt bad for falling asleep and didn't want to trouble the male any further so he went into the bathroom to... satisfy himself.... and take a shower. Once (y/n) woke up, he felt groggy and sticky all over. He heard the shower on and decided to join Nagito in there. He went inside the bathroom and hopped in the shower, Nagito immediately noticed (y/n)'s icky-ness and offered to wash him - which (y/n) gladly accepted.

By the time they finished their shower, they barley had enough time to get ready for school, meaning (y/n) had no time to clean out Nagito's cum...
He brushed it off but boyyyyy was he wrong in doing so.

~End of da funkie flashback~

Which brings us to now. (Y/n) sitting at his desk hunched over, clenching his stomach for dear life.

Y/n pov
It felt like my stomach was eating itself. My guys were scrunching from the unknown substance and it was causing immeasurable pain. I could feel eyes on me from the back of the class but was in too much pain to give, whoever was looking, attention. My face must've gone from (s/t) to dead white, because even the teacher asked if I was alright.
A few more minuets passed and I felt a sudden gag...
I quickly excused myself and ran to the bathroom (not noticing that a certain albino haired male was following me).
I ran to the nearest stall and fell on my knees, feeling like I was dying.

I quickly started to throw up, Nagito rushed into the bathroom then found me in a stall and came to my aid. He comforted me and made sure I didn't get my uniform dirty.
"What's going on (y/n)?" Nagito asked, worry laced in his words
"I-I don't know, I've been feeling sick ever since this....morning..." a wave of realisation hit me
"C-crap... Nagito, remember l-last night when you fell asleep i-in me..?" I said, my face flushed
"U-um.. I didn't have time to clean out this morning..." I said, my complexion darkening on my (now) Pale skin.
"What!? (Y/n) why didn't you tell me? I would've waited and made up an excuse if we were late" i could tell Nagito was now very concerned for me

"I-it's fine... I can d-do it now" I stuttered my words from the pain
"Can you even stand up (y/n)?"
I tilted my head away in embarrassment
After my confirmation, Nagito stood up and gently lifted me up by my underarms. He flushed the toilet and sat me on the seat, then he went to tug at my (bottoms/jeans/other).
"W-wait... I feel gross, I don't... want you to see me like this" I said anxiously, my head looking away with a blush, my hands grabbing onto his. Nagito cupped my cheeks and looked into my eyes with a soft stare
"(Y/n)... you're perfect to me..." He said then instantly blushed realising what he said. I let go of his hands and let him continue.

Nagito took my (bottoms/jeans/other) and my boxers down gently. He stared lovingly at me and started to suck on two of his fingers, he looked so hot doing that... Once he sucked then and coated them in saliva for a minuet the hovered them over my hole.
"Ready?" I could only nod in response, the embarrassment not allowing me to speak. He pushed one of his fingers in slowly, making sure I want uncomfterbale. He moved his finger around, making my breath hitch, he softly curled his finger - scrapping out his cum from last night. Once he got all he could, Nagito added a second finger in, he pushed in deeper and opened my with a scissor motion. He loosened me for a bit and soon his cum was slowly dripping out of me, he stared in awe as his juices seeped out of me.

Once I was cleaned out, I started to feel less sick, and the pleasure overtook me. I started to moan and drool as Nagito moved his digits inside of me, he smirked at my moans and went deeper - jabbing my prostate head on.
"AHH!!" I chocked out a moan from the jolt of pleasure. I moaned uncontrollably as Nagito abused my sweetspot continously
"N-nagito..! If you k-keep going I'll c-cum!"
"Then go ahead~" and as he said that, Nagito thrusted his fingers once more with all of his force. I moaned so load I'm surprised no one heard, a white warm liquid shot from my twitching member in strings. I panted from the pleasure as Nagito carried my hips and felt around my rim.

"Hey... I love you"
"W-what..?!" Nagito pulled my head towards his and kissed me deeply and passionately. After the shock faded I melted into the kiss, I wrapped my arms around his neck and he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. After what felt like hours, we separated, only a thin strand on our saliva kept us connected.
"I... love you too..." I said looking away and blushing.

I'm sorry it took so long for this to come out, I hit a writters block. Anyway I have a semi important announcement, idk if you know the game camp budy but I really want to write a whole fanfic about every character so this will update a little less regularly
Bye for nowww~

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