🍋Uke!Fuyuhiko x Seme!M!Reader🍋

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This was requested by KY0T4N1W0R5H1PP3R! Thanks for requesting and I hope you enjoy!

Title: Work-Stress
Au: Non-Despair and aged up
Info: Fuyuhiko inherited his Yakuza title and the both of your are dating + living together

Not proof read!

2nd person pov
A regular day at the house. You woke up to an empty bed, Fuyuhiko must've already gone to work, you get out of bed and start to get ready for the day. After taking a quick shower, washing your face then brushing your teeth, you put on a simple (f/c) tank top and black cargo shorts and head over to the kitchen
"Good Morning, Master (L/n) - Master Kuzuriyo has requested we prepare your breakfast this morning, what would you like?" One of Fuyuhiko's butlers explained to you
"Oh, I'd like (favourite breakfast), thank you" you say with a smile. You usually cook your own breakfast, Fuyuhiko must be feeling... Happy... today. You listen to the cook prepare your food as you sit down and check your phone - 2 unopened messages from Fuyu.
'I have a long day today, sorry'
'But make sure you're awake when I get back' read the messages - Yep, Fuyuhiko was horny, he didn't outright say it, but making sure you were awake when he got back was his way of saying "I want you to rail me tonight". Another butler placed a plate with your food infront of you, you nod in thanks and start to dig into the 5-star meal - even though most of Kuzuriyo's money was illegal (don't quote me on that idk much abt Fuyuhiko) you still enjoyed the luxuries he provided for you.

As the day went by, you helped out with some of the chores around the house and decided to spice up your room (that you obviously share with Fuyu), you made the bed and set three large and soft towels on the bedside table, you got out the bottle of lube and even ten packets of condoms - you were all set for fucking and then cleaning up Fuyuhiko, all you needed was for him to actually get home. The time went by, you started to binge rewatch a show you loved to make the time go by slightly faster, however everytime you glanced at the clock slowed down time again. 6pm, 7pm, 8pm, 9pm, 10pm and then finally 11pm - you waited so long until finally, at 11 20, Kuzuriyo finally arrived. You could tell he arrived by the unlocking of the door, but another give away was the huddle of house workers that were around the door, ready to great the guy that pays them.
"I'm not in the mood for this today." Fuyuhiko says as he pushes past his loyal butlers, cook and house keepers. His stressed, beige eyes meet with your tired, (e/c) ones and his expression immediately turns from stressed to relieved
"Hello Kuzuriyo-san" He blushed slightly at your words, he loved to have control and power over you - Fuyuhiko just couldn't really hide it.
"Ha...~ Let's just go to our room~" Fuyu said with a small blush and whine. He wrapped his hand around your wrist and dragged you over to your room, walking on the traditional laminate flooring and past the shoji screen walled hallway - you both entered your room and Fuyuhiko flung you onto the bed. He leapt onto your lap, his bubble butt that was constrained by his tight work pants was sitting plush on your bow growing member. You lay back and watch as Fuyuhiko takes control and starts to rub back and forward on your crotch, his hands on your chest for support and a slight smirk on his lustful and devious face. You watch your power bottom of a boyfriend do practically as he pleased with you but you didn't want to let that happen for long, as Fuyu continued to rub himself on your now rock-hard tent of a cock, you moved your hands to Kuzuriyo's hips and started to slowly guide him - you also sat up and brought your face just millimeters away from his. With a small gasp and eye-widen, Fuyuhiko blushed slightly as your lips met his, your tongues immediately met eachother in a passionate kiss and Fuyu took immediate control - his wet muscle swirling around your mouth as his thick ass grinding on your twitching dick. You both started to lose yourselves in the heated kiss, Fuyu's hands wrapping around your neck and yours around his thin waist
"Ahhhh~" you moan as your shaft starts up fully under your bottoms and rubs on Fuyuhiko's plump cheeks.
"Ha... Ha... Undress me." Hiko commands as he pants, breathless from your previous making out.

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