🌸Seme!Kokichi x Uke!M!Reader🍋

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Edits at the top aren't mine at all!
Title: Childish
🌸Fluff to Lemon🍋
AU: Non-despair and aged up
Info: Kokichi and you having been dating since your final year at hopes peak and live together in an apartment

Not proof read!

2nd person pov
He loved you, Kokichi may be a pathological liar but he did truly love you. Maybe it was the fact he said it so often and in such a childish way that made you think he was just saying it for the sake of it - but everytime the both of you were hanging out or were making love you couldn't help but wonder if he really did like you. Kokichi started to notice your overthinking and with his impeccable psychological talents, he decided to... reassure you.
His plan was simple. Kokichi was going to plan a day indoors with you - the both of you hanging out and doing couple shit. Then he would absolutely fuck the hell out of you, 'easy as pie' he thought to himself as he came up with his master plan. Kokichi made sure you were free on Saturday and once the day arrived, he started his mission. First things first, Kokichi woke up fifteen minuets before you and headed downstairs to cook a cute breakfast, he headed upstairs with the tray of his and your matching breakfasts and placed it on your nightstand
"Good morning sleepy head~" Kokichi said with a cheery voice as he nudged you awake
"Kokichi? What's going on?" You ask with a sleepy voice
"I cooked us breakfast!" He said proudly while pointing at the tray
"Oh! Thank you, Kokichi~" you say with a smile as you sit up and bring your plate onto your lap. Kokichi gets back under the covers next to you and starts to eat as well, the both of you started to chat about what you wanted to do today as you ate the cute heart shaped eggs Kokichi made. You both giggled as you talked however Kokichi noticed your overthinking again - so he decided to move on to the next part of his planned day.

✓ Breakfast in bed

"Let's watch something, (N/n)" Kokichi said. He only called you that when he was trying to act cute for you, it made you chuckle at him
"Sure~" you agreed and so Kokichi got up and put on your favourite film. As you both attentively watched (f/f), Kokichi layed his arm around your shoulders, making you lie on his chest in response. You were both content with your current position - watching the best movie to ever exist while cuddling your significant other - however, even though you could feel Kokichi's warmth that radiated off his skin underneath his muted purple tank top, and you could hear his slightly agitated heart rate, you still had an underlining anxiousness that this was all a facade. Of course Kokichi noticed this, but he let it slide until the end of the movie, he just wanted to cuddle his boyfriend for now.

✓ Watch (f/f) and cuddle

Surprisingly the time flew by incredibly quick - the film finished and it was already 11am. It was time for Kokichi to put into action the final part of his plan - he was (quite litterally) about to go out with a bang.
"Say, (Y/n)~ How about we have a little fun?" Kokichi said with a grin, looking down at you
"O-Oh! Umm... Well..." you stutter out, you spent the whole day overthinking, you don't even know if you could enjoy Kokichi's tease full love making at the moment. But you didn't have much time to think before his arm slid behind you, and his hand had reached your crotch. It was very hot under the covers - your pyjama bottoms and underwear made your crotch feel stuffy and sweaty. And Kokichi now paying your growing erection didn't help with the heat.
"H-Haaa..." you let out a breathy but quieymt moan as Kokichi's pale palm rubbed your crotch through your clothes, causing you to squirm and start to leak out small drops of precum. You felt you member twitch from the slow friction, and you started to breath heavier and quicker out of frustration. Kokichi was magic, he had already made you forget what you were anxious about and was making you feel so good already - to try and speed things up, you slipped your hand past Kokicho's bottoms and underwear, wrapping your fingers around Kokichi's surpringly big member. You started to rub the long shaft and made Kokichi quietly groan as he palmed your crotch harder. You both teased each other until Kokichi decided to move on.

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