🍋Seme!Kazuichi x Uke!M!Reader🍋

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Title: Jealousy
AU: Non-despair (At school) in your second year
Info: Kazuichi and you are dating but not openly
!Important a/n at the bottom!
Not proof read

3nd person pov
Kazuichi was irked. His boyfriend, (Y/n) (L/n), was hanging out with Gundham too much this past week. He knew it was just platonic and (Y/n) and Gundham were nothing more than friends, yet the way Gundham would look at (Y/n) during class or when the two would talk was enough to piss Kazuichi off. By now, Souda would've stormed up to (Y/n) and dragged him away while shouting at Tanaka to stay away from his boyfriend - but the both of them weren't openly dating... So Kazuichi had to wait until the end of class to give (Y/n) a piece of his mind.
The class felt like it was going on for hours, the flirtatious moves Gundham was practicing on (Y/n) were making the class torturous for Souda, yet finally the class ended and with that, Kazuichi walked up to (Y/n).

2nd person pov
You rise from your seat as class ends and look over to see Kazuichi walking up to you, looking kinda pissed off. He looked at you and signalled to follow him with his eyes, you'd never seen Souda like this, so you just decided to go along with it.
You followed your boyfriend out of the class and through the corridors until he abruptly stopped, you were too busy wondering why you were almost behind the stairs to notice Kazuichi stopped, and bumped into him.
"Sorry..." you said quietly. Souda didn't respond, instead, he turned around and pushed you up against the wall, trapping you in between his arms.
"S-Souda?" You question as you look up to face your now angry yet lustful looking boyfriend.
Souda lifted up your chin with his hand and forced your lips to clash together in a passionate kiss. He pushed his tongue against your lips asking for entrance, and you obediently opened. Kazuichi's long, wet muscle entered your mouth and immediately dominated it, your own tongue not even putting up a fight. He swirled his tongue around yours, your saliva mixing together. You gripped his collar to steady yourself, but Kazuichi broke the kiss and looked down at your panting form.
"Why the fuck were you letting Gundham flirt with you?" He asked with a deep tone
"What... do you mean? Gundham... wasn't flirting with me, we were just talking" you defended yourself as you panted, however this just made Souda angrier and hornier.

He clashed his lips with yours once more, his tongue entering straight away, only this time he began to move his hands underneath your top and feel around your smooth body. Kazuichi's hands roamed around your body more and you began to blush as you felt your member harden in your underwear. He then broke the kiss again, a thick strand of your mixed saliva still connecting your mouths until it broke off, Souda almost fully pulled tour top off and revealed your chest and buds for him to see. Instantly, he brought his mouth to one of your nipples and began to suck on the sensitive bud.
You began to whine softly as your boyfriend's teeth grazed upon your (pink/brown/other) nipple, sending a new sense of pleasure down your spine. Souda then started to gently bite down on your sensitive bud, causing you to moan out loud, a proud smirk forming on Kazuichi's face. He continued to pleasure you by your chest, he also brought his two fingers to your mouth and looked up to signal you to suck, and you did just that. You coated Kazuichi's fingers in your warm spit as he continued to suck and nibble at one of your now bright red buds, moaning around his fingers as his... unique... teeth kept indenting your nipple.

After a few more minuets of coating Souda's fingers and him abusing your chest, your boyfriend removed his sloppy fingers from your mouth and moved them down to your ass, sliding his hand underneath your bottoms hemline. He then slid in one of his fingers, making you gasp from the sudden friction - however, because of him still wrecking your chest, you let out an airy moan, quickly covering your mouth.
Kazuichi continued to pump his finger in and out of your tight muscle, loosening it up for himself. He soon added a second finger and then a third, pushing deep inside and stretching your hole - Souda finally removed himself from your chest, red bite marks all over your bright red and swollen nipples, and then removed his fingers from your now loosened hole
"Lay down" your boyfriend said sternly, however he didn't mean to sound so angry, all of Gundham's flirting lit a fire within Kazuichi, one that would lead to a lot of cum being spilled.
Obediently, you layed down against the stairs walls and spread your legs for Souda, he stared at your slightly dazed and lustfilled form with hunger, his gaze directed at your slicked up rim. Kazuichi pulled the hem of his bottoms and underwear down, letting his hard, long, precum tipped cock spring out. He knelt down infront of you and pulled you onto his thighs, so that his member was perfectly aligned with your hole, and looked you in the eyes
"Hold on~" he chuckled.
You wrap your arms around Kazuichi's neck as he begins to push the tip of his girth into you, the way his member stretched you out made you moan weakly. Kazuichi continued to insert his whole length into you, the entire thing being at least 8 inches, wrapping his arms around you in a protective yet possessive manner. You squirmed in his embrace as he slowly began to pump his long cock in and out of you - his dick filling you up to the brim.

"Haaa~ Nng~" you moaned out as Kazuichi's thick member kept drilling in and out of your entrance. Souda began to speed up, grunting with every thrust into you, his eyes continuing to gaze lustfully into your dilated (e/c) orbs. At one point, Kazuichi hit a spot inside you that made you moan louder than before, a wave of pleasure hitting you. Your boyfriend chuckled at your desperate moan and your bawled fists gripping onto the back of his jumpsuit.
Kazuichi then began to aim for your prostate and successfully hit it over and over - causing you to let out a series of pleasured and slurred moans.
You tightened your grip on Souda's neck. He brings a hand to your chin and makes you look at him again, small tears pricking the sides of your eyes from the pleasure. He once again pushed his lips against yours and began to move his tongue with yours. Your tongues danced as Kazuichi's member continued to pound in and out of your loosened hole, his rythm getting sloppier as he was nearing his climax.
"Mphhhh~" you moaned into his mouth as your climax was beginning to hit. You grip onto his jumpsuit even tighter as your climax hit you like a truck, long strings of seman shot out of your bouncing rock hard member. You moaned into his mouth continually as your dick shot out more and more cum until your swollen rod was dry. Kazuichi was not far behind, his orgasm being just seconds away.

Finnaly, Kazuichi's orgasmed. He pounded his cock into your ass as he dumped all of his cum into you, your legs shaking from the overstimulation.
"Haaaa~" Kazuichi moaned as he slowed his pace down, his seed seeping out from around your rim.
"S-Shit... Sorry I got carried away..." He quickly apologised as he looked at your state - cum all over the both of you and inside of your now painted hole.
"It's... okay.... I liked... it..." you panted out, Kazuichi removing his member as lying you against the stairs wall. His cum drooled out of you and puddled in-between your legs, and Kazuichi could only stare in awe.
The two of you (mainly Kazuichi) cleaned up and left for your dorms as school was finally over. Kazuichi had a lot of making up to do, so you had a personal servant for the rest of the week - it was a win win situation.

Thank you for reading!! Please remember to vote and comment if you have a request!

Important a/n - I'm starting a second book! It's a camp buddy x male reader oneshot book with one part out atm, please go and read it if you like the game!

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