🌸Kaito x M!Reader🌸

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Title: Training
AU: Non-despair (but still at the academy) also the days have been spaced out to give more time
Info: Kaito and you have been dating since the third week (and you had been going to training with him, shuichi and maki since week 2)
Warning: sexual themes, showering together, kinda lime-y

Y/n pov
Fatigued, is the one word I could use to describe how I'm feeling. It's around 11pm and I'm training with Shuichi, Maki and my boyfriend - Kaito. Usually I wouldn't mind training but tonight was different, Kaito decided to add extra exercises that would last us much longer than usual - by the end of the session, I could barley stand up.
I laid on the ground with my arms holding me up for dear life, trying to start up but failing
"C'mon (Y/n), get up" Kaito said as he reached a hand out to help me up
"Hng... Why did we have to do extra tonighttt..." I whined out as Kaito pulled me up
"For this exact reason, we have to push our limits to expand our physical capabilities, just like how a star expands and shines brighter!" Kaito lectured me with broken logic
"You know that's what happens when a star dies, right?" I ask sarcastically
"You know what, nevermind" Kaito sighs in defeat
"Let's just shower and get to bed" He added.

The two of us walked back to the dorm building, Kaito mainly having carry me bridal style, and entered Kaito's dorm.
"Why did you bring me here?" I ask, lifting my head off of Kaito's chest
"To shower. Together" Kaito responded with a slight smirk as he looked down at me.
"O-Oh... Okay" I respond while blushing, the two of us have only seen the other in their boxers, never fully naked - but I couldn't deny I was excited by the thought. Kaito walked us over to his bathroom and set me down from his arms, he then began to take his coat off and then his shirt, his muscly chest glistened with sweat from the work out earlier. I stared at his solid chest for a while before he broke me out of my thoughts
"Like what you see?" He asked devilishly, I looked away and slowly nodded as I felt blood rush to my cheeks again.
"You gonna undress? Or should I do it for you?" Kaito continued in his slightly devious tone
"I'll do it myself..." I mumbled out, not trusting my voice to  ot break out of embarrassment. I took off all my clothing on my top half, revealing my (toned/slim/fluffy/other) chest. Kaito looked my chest up and down with appreciation in his eyes.
"God I'm lucky.." he mumbled, just loud enough for me to hear. I blush and look over to him, catching his eyes
"Are you gonna... take those off too?" I ask as I pointed to his bottoms.
"Heh, excited are we?" He asked but slid his bottoms off in compliance. The outline of his member layed dormant in his underwear, but it was still large even when soft.
"Your turn~" Kaito smirked. I slowly removed my bottoms, hiding my blushed face to the side.

Kaito began to blush as well, from my (thick/toned/slim) thighs that were so adorable to him, and from the (small/large) outline in my (f/c) (favourite colour) underwear. He moved closer to me and slipped his arms around my waist, he looked down to me with love in his eyes
"Can we take these off now?" Kaito asked as he gently rubbed the hem of my boxers. I love him for this, he takes his time with me with every step of the way, it doesn't matter what it is, he always makes sure I'm okay.
"Yeah..." I respond, slipping my fingers under his underwear's hemline. I slowly slid his underwear off from the front, as he took mine down from the back. A mauve bush poked out from the underwear, a base, then a shaft and finally a tip - his member was long even when soft, I felt him do the same, my bottom was fully out, Kaito was so close to me he was able to see it and gaze in awe.
"Can we get in the s-shower now?" I stuttered out, slightly embarrassed by out current position
"Sure thing" Kaito smiled at me warmly.
The two of us walked into the shower and Kaito turned the water on. The warm liquid hit our skin and washed away all of the sweat we had worked up - the water droplets shined on Kaito's mesmerising muscles. After the two of us were soaked, Kaito took dome shower gel and squirted it into his hand.
"Want to sud each other up?" He asked with a smile, I nodded with a  blush and turned around for him to begin.

Short Kaito pov
I lathered up (Y/n)'s perfect back, I coukd see his blush creep up to his ears as I moved lower and lower. I dragged two shower stools over and sat us down to sud him up easier. I spent a long time, feeling every bump on his beautiful body as I slathered the gel onto him, I reached my hand down towards his crotch to get some soap there - his blush aggravating even more.
(Y/n)'s member was so cute and perfect in my hands as I lathered his crotch up, I felt it twitch in my hand as I rubbed under his foreskin/around his tip.

Once iw as done, I turned him around, (Y/n)'s gorgeous face was painted red and his body was covered in small bubbles.
"My turn~" I smirked slightly as I poured some shower gel into (Y/n)'s hands.

(Y/n) pov
I rubbed down Kaito's muscly body with the shower gel, feeling all of his hard muscles relax under my touch, his soft pecks felt amazing to touch. I moved down to his hard six pack and felt as my hands fumbled up and down as I lathered that area up. I continued to sud him up all over his body until I reached his groin, it layed there, surrounded by a purple forest, I slowly reached down to it and began to lather it up, brushing my fingers through the plum coloured bush.

Kaito was steadying his breath as I continued to lather that are up, after a little while of cleaning that area, Kaito moved my hand away
"L-Let's wash this off" Kaito said with a smile. The two of us washed all of the bubbles off of our bodies and dried each other off
"You go and wait for me in bed, I'm gonna be like 15 more minuets" Kaito chuckled as he slightly pushed me out of the bathroom
"Huh? Okay" I agreed, walking over to Kaito's bed, but before he closed the door I noticed a bump in his towel

'I wonder why he's staying longer...' I thought to myself as I drifted of to sleep

Thank you for reading! This was on my idea list for a while and I wanted to write it now, next will be a Taka smut request which will be out ASAP!!

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