🍋Seme!Yasuhiro x Uke!M!Reader🍋

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Requested by idkwhatlifeis202! Thanks for requesting!
Title: Dirty
AU: Post-game (Dr1 postgame)
Info: the post game has been lengthened to give more days, Yasuhiro and you casually hook up in the dorms
Smut warning: smell kink, Sweat, uncleanness, footjob, smegma
Not proof read!

2nd person pov
You had just finished off another tiring day of gathering items for monokuma. You wish it was your free day but that was still two days away, however, what was about to happen now, would make your hard day worth it.
You were walking over to Yasuhiro's dorm. The two of you had quite the encounter during the first week of working for monokuma, which has lead to the both of you casually hooking up from time to time - you hadn't done it in a while, and today during work, Yasuhiro had passed passed a message to you through monokuma saying
"Meet me at my dorm after our work ends" and so, you were doing just that.
You opened the door to his dorm and walked in, a barley noticeable strange smell lingering in his room.
"There you are, (Y/n)~" Yasuhiro said. He was lying on his bed shirtless, his surprisingly toned chest was exposed and you could see a few hairs poking out of his armpits. You walked over to the bed, and the strange smell got just a bit stronger.
"Strip down, will ya" Yasuhiro said with a smirk. You did as instructed, desperate for some action after a long time of just jacking off to the thought of Yasuhiro.
After you've stripped, you take a minute to look over Yasuhiro's body, you clould see his skin glistening with sweat and small puffs of steam escaping his obviously sweaty and hairy armpits.
"Heh, I already got you hard?~" Yasuhiro teased, pointing his finger towards the small tent in your bottoms.
"Hell yeah you did~" you responded, getting up on the bed and kneeling over Yasuhiro. You moved your head down towards his crotch and wince from the stench that filled your nose, you pulled his bottoms off and almost gagged at the state of his briefs and the crazy smell.
"Holy shit, Hiro. When was the last time you washed..?" You asked in shock. Hiro's briefs were a neon dark blue, but now they were drenched in sweat and stained with sweaty, murky green-ish brown stains. The stench of his hard, sweaty cock seeped through his underwear and filled your nostrils, making you dick twitch in you own underwear.
"Since the last time we fucked, hehe..." Hiro chuckled as he stared at you with lust.
"That was two weeks ago Hiro!" You shouted with a blush. Yasuhiro moves his hand to the back of your head and pushes you down into his nasty crotch, yourn face rubbing against his stained underwear, making it damp.
"Shhh... you like it, don't ya?" Hiro teased you as he moved his hips to rub his grime on you. You hated how he was right. The mere sight of his nasty and unwashed body made you hard on the spot - they way his sweat steamed out of his underwear and armpits made you want to cum instantly.

Hiro let go of your head, and took his dirty cock out through the cock hole of his briefs. The massive, veiny, grimey, slime covered meat stood tall infront of your face, two tufts of sweaty pubic hair came off of the sides of his base and the stench radiated off as steam.
You stared at the member in front of you in awe, wandering your eyes over his cock from his slightly hairy, thick balls to his greasy, foreskin covered tip - a pool of thick sweat and precum resting in the area Hiro's foreskin didn't cover.
His sweat stained underwear outlined his slimey cock so well and his veins popped out, the sweat on his meat making them stand out more. Yasuhiro placed an arm behind his head, letting his sweaty and hairy armpits let out heaps of manly, sweaty steam - his other hand going behind your head, pushing you down towards his greasy balls.
"Suck my dirty cock off, (Y/n)~" Hiro said and instantly you let your tongue hang out of your mouth. As you tongue made contact with his bushy, nasty base, a salty yet sweet tate filled your taste buds - making you smile to yourself. You moved your tongue up along his sweaty shaft, Hiro moaning audibly as your wet tongue slid over every one of his veins. Once you reached his slimy tip, you moved two fingers around his tip and pulled his foreskin down - with a wet and squelchy sound, his foreskin went down, his tip releasing a scent that filled your nostrils and made you queasy, the sight you saw making you gag. Around his fat and sweaty head, slimy glumps of Yasuhiro's smegma layed resting - he must've been serious about not washing for two weeks.

"Clean it up, will ya?" Hiro asked, and you listened obediently. You brought your slimy tongue to his nasty tip and circled your wet muscle around his unwashed head.
"Haaa... Shitt...." Hiro moaned as you lapped up all of his nasty smegma in your mouth and basked in its salty, sweaty taste. Hiro pushed your head lower, making his fat head enter your slimy mouth, his gross precum rubbing along your oral walls.
"Mphh~" you moaned against his nasty cock, Hiro moaning in return from the vibrations. He lowered you onto his greasy cock, your warm saliva coating it all and mixing with his manly slime - Hiro continued to press your head until his hairy, grimy base made contact with your overflowing mouth.
"Gahhhh~" Hiro moaned as your saliva flowed and spread all over his veiny meat. Your nostrils were filled with his greasy pubes and the stench made your eyes start to water - this entire feeling making you creep closer to your climax.
After a little while of holding you down on his nasty cock, Hiro let you go and raised your head off - his cock covered in his slime and your spit, and your tongue hanging out of your mouth covered in his nasty sweat and smegma, slobbering all over his bed.
"I wanna try something new~ Sit down over there" Hiro pointed a little behind you. You moved over and Hiro grabbed your feet, stripping your sweaty socks off and placing your grimy feet onto his slobbered up cock.
"Make me cum with you feet~" Hiro smirked towards you and your shocked expression. You do as told, excited for this new "position" and begin to rub your nasty feet all over Hiro's slimy cock.
"Ohhh~ Fuckkkk~!" Hiro moans out, making you feel hot. You slip his fat head in between your right foot's biggest toes and Jack his foreskin back and forth - Hiro blushing and rolling his eyes back from the pleasure. Your saliva and his slime get on your dirty foot as you rub his cock, the feeling of his bumpy, veiny cock on your foot turned you on.
"You're such a freak for wanting this, Hiro~" you tease as you go faster, rolling your toes and foot over his nasty meat.
You bring your other foot over and rub his huge, slimy cock in between them, fast and forcefully.
"Wait! Shit! I'm Cumminggg~!" Hiro blared out as he spurted his globby, off white spunk old over your unwashed, sweaty feet - steam still coming off of his shaft.
His cum soaked the bed sheets and covered your feet, making your dick twitch at the sight.
"Fuck, that was hot~" you slightly moan out
"Heh... I'll do it to you now... if you want..." Hiro said in between pants. You blush at the thought.
"Sure~" you say with a dazed smile. Hiro immediately brings his feet over to your significantly smaller cock. His "white" socks are fully covered in brown-ish green stains and are drenched in his intoxicating sweat.
He starts to rub your precum drenched cock through your underwear and then slips it out with his feet. Your pre smears onto his socks as he rubs his stench filled feet all over your cock, marking you with his smell.
"Hahhh~ Hiroo...." you moan out, making Yasuhiro fill with pride and go faster, rubbing his damp sock against your now sweaty meat. You begins to quiver as his unwashed feet start to roll over your tip and over your piss slit.
"Like that, don't you (Y/n)?" Hiro teases. You mumble incoherent moans back, unable to talk from the immense pleasure of his sweat steaming socks jacking your shaft off.
Finnally, with a massive moan, you cum. However, Yasuhiro covers your opening with his foot and let's your now grease mixed cum soak into his dirty sock.
"Gnhhhh! Haaaa~" you sigh out a moan once you finish twitching.
Yasuhiro chuckles as he looks at your spent form and lifts you by your now sweaty armpits, moving you onto his dirty and slick chest. You moan gently into his chest, moving your nose closer to his steaming armpits - getting a constant stream of his musk in your nostrils as you fall asleep in his slimy and warm arms.

Omfg that was really something, ngl this was fun to write and thanks for the request! Hope you enjoyed! I'll be working on a uke kazuichi next! ^-^

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