🍋Seme!Korekiyo x Uke!M!Reader🍋

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DISCLAIMER (TW MENTIONS OF SA/GROOMING): Korekiyo has his story with his sister and I'd feel uncomfortable writting a oneshot of him (especially a smut) so I've decided to remove that part of his background completely!

This was requested by Spongebobsundies! Thanks for the request and I hope you enjoy! You didnt say uke or seme reader so I went with uke, I hope you're fine with that!

Title: Rope
AU: Non-despair - 3rd year at hopes peak
Info: Kiyo and you have been dating since 2nd year and you have had sex plenty of times
Smut warning: Rope play, pretty intense, restriction, BDSM(?), Rimming/eating out, Sadism

(Also, to help with the visualisation I added pictures of kiyo without his mask (with out the sister persona) at the top)

2nd person pov
Korekiyo and you were walking back to your dorms after school as usual. However, Kiyo seemed a bit more excited than normal - he would show a bit more excitment on days that you planned to hook-up, but today was different... He mentioned he wanted to try something new with you and when you agreed he went into his 'humanity is beautiful' state, he started dazing off during the day and blushing under his mask around you. You simply shrugged it off, maybe Kiyo had been really wanting to try this new thing out and is thrilled to finally try it - little did you know it was just that, x20.
Once you both arrived at Korekiyo's dorm, he unlocked the door and opened it for you like a gentleman. You walked in like usual and sat on his bed, waiting for him to walk over
"I need you to close your eyes, (Y/n)" Kiyo says in a calm voice as he walks over, moving his hands to your face and cupping your cheeks. You look up at him, he had already removed his mask and his bandages making his small smile visible and his hands feel warm on your skin, you look into his yellow eyes for a moment then close your eyes obediently. You hear Korekiyo's chuckle as he removes his hands from your face, the sound of a drawer opening and closing and things being placed on his bedside us all you can hear for a few minuets until Kiyo speaks once more.
"Now, keep your eyes close, and undress yourself..." he says in a slightly severe tone. You do as he asks and start to take all of your clothing off, standing up and removing your top then your bottoms then your (f/c) underwear.
"Good... Now sit on the bed~" You could hear in his voice that Kiyo was getting excited again. Sitting on your knees in the middle of your boyfriend's bed with your semi-hard member out, you open your eyes and see Kiyo infront of you at the edge of his bed, holding a bundle of red rope in his hands.
"What's that for?" You ask, imagining all the possible things your sadistic boyfriend could use them for
"To tie you up, of course~" Korekiyo responds with a smile
"What do I do then...?" You ask with a blush, thinking of how it would feel to be utterly defenseless to Korekiyo
"Kekekeke... Just keep your hands behind your back and I'll do the rest~" Kiyo responds as he turns you around.

Korekiyo proceeds with tying you up. He moves the red rope all around your body in intrequite ways that led to you being completely immobile. Your face was darkened with a thick blush as Kiyo tied everything on your body.... and I mean everything... He pushed your face down onto a pillow, leaving you in a downwards dog position - only differences being your hands are tied behind your back and your whole body is locked up with crimson rope.
"Haaa.... You look so beautiful, (Y/n)~" Kiyo basks in his handiwork, tracing his fingers over your smooth skin (the skin that wasn't covered by the large amounts of rope on your body).
"C-Can we start now...?" You ask, pushing your face deep into the pillow to hide your blush.
"Hehe... Of course" Kiyo responds softly as he moves his hand to your tied up member. His soft skin pushes on your member and moves it up towards his face, your precum already leaking out of your shaft. Kiyo chuckles as he wraps his hand around your while member, engulfing it in a soft warmth, and he moves his face to your spread ass - he admires your tight ring and plush cheeks as he strokes your dick with his hand, causing you to whimper quietly.
"Ack-! Haaa~ Kiyo~" You moan out into the pillow out of surprise and pleasure - Korekiyo had stuck his slimy tongue out and licked your beautiful crevise from bottom to top, coating it in his warm saliva.

Your moans fuel your boyfriend as he starts to focus his tongue on your tight hole, lathering it up with his spit to loosen it up slightly. You moan once more into the pillow but with a gasp this time, as Kiyo's wet muscle managed to enter your twitching entrance - you whine out as you feel your boyfriend's hot tongue slide in and out of your ass, your walls tightening around it and his saliva filling your ass up.
"Haaa... Mphhh~" Kiyo moans into your hole as his member hardens more than before. He feels his cock twitch in his pants as he burries his tongue deeper into your delicious fuckhole, the feeling of making you whine and whimper gets Korekiyo off so much.
"Kekekehe~ You love my tongue don't you, (Y/n)" Kiyo teases as he removes his face from your plush cheeks
"Haa.... Ha... M-more~" You moan out in response. Kiyo loved to see you like this and wanted to push you to the edge, but he wanted to do this in style.
He moved his other hand to your slimy, loose hole and traced it with his fine and long fingers - all while rubbing your cock off into the bedding
"I think today... I won't put it in you" Kiyo said as he removed both of his hands from you, a large smile on his face that you couldn't see.
"W-What? N-no! Please p-put it in..." you pleaded, desperate for pleasure
"Put what in?~" Kiyo teased, getting a high off your pathetic moans and pleas
"Anything! J-Just put a-anythi-" you continued, but as you were about to finish your sentence, Kiyo ridley interupted you by shoved two of his whole, long fingers into your sloppy fuckhole.
"Gahhhhh!~ Haaaa~ Kiyo- Hngggg~" You moan out loudly as Kiyo shoves his fingers in up to his knuckles, his long fingers jabbing your prostate head on and his other hand basically milking your red, twitching dick.
"Haaa~ Haaa~" You moan and moan as your boyfriend starts to pump his fingers in and out of your slimy hole, the squelches of your ass filling your ears - as well as Kiyo's sadistic chuckling.

Korekiyo roughs up his pace as his drills his fingers into your wet walls and prostate, his other hands almost tugging your cock off. You moan and whimper and whine as he gets more and more intense, making you feel as if you had reached heaven.
With one huge squeeze of your member and one final, forceful jab of his fingers, Kiyo pushed you to your climax in mere second
"Gaaaaaaaaaaah!~ Haa~ Haaa~ Haa~ Haaa~" you moan and moan as your shaft squirts out gallons of globby seed, your walls clenching tightly around your boyfriend's fingers and his hand doing the same on your dick. You start to shake from overstimulation as your dick continues to shoot out ropes of thick cum - Kiyo enjoying every second of your painful pleasure and chuckling at your pathetic moans
"you're so beautiful, (Y/n)... you're painting my bed with your cum so nicely~" Kiyo teases you as you start to slow down, your cum halting and dripping out of your piss slit
"Haa.... S-Sorry..." You apologise and get a laugh in response.
Kiyo starts to undo all of his pretty knots and ties on your body, the callousness and redness caused by them leaving marks that would last for days - And Korekiyo loved each one of them. He walked you to his bathroom and ran you a bath, cleaning you up and then his bed, you spent the rest of the day with each other, you in his warm arms on his now clean bed - A good end to a day.

Thank you for reading and requesting! I hope you enjoyed and plz remmebr to vote as it helps a lot! Feel free to request or check out my other book!

Sorry I'm late to this but happy pride month!! I hope you enjoy this month to the fullest and are proud to be who you are! Bye bye for now ^^

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