🍋Seme!Gonta x Uke!M!Reader🍋

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This was requested by Oliver403, thanks for the request!!
Title: A True Gentleman
AU: Non-despair (but still at the academy)
Info: Gonta and you started to date after Gonta started to develop feeling, but he has no idea what sex is

Not proof read!

3rd person pov
Gonta was in love with (Y/n). After confessing a very indirect confession, Gonta and (Y/n) began to date - however, once Kokichi got hold of this information he continually teased Gonta or took advantage of his cluelessness.
And so, the unsuspecting gentleman was outside, when the short, panta loving male came over to him.
"Hey, Gonta!" Kokichi shouted as he walked up to the larger male
"Yes Kokichi?" The green haired male responded
"Where's (Y/n)?~" the purple haired male asked, intruding Gonta
"In his dormitory, why does Kokichi ask?" Gonta replied in his broken English
"Oh! I was just wanting to show (Y/n) how much of a real gentleman I am~" Kokichi teased
"Gentleman? But Gonta can be the only gentleman for (Y/n)!" Gonta stood up, looking down to Kokichi, slightly angry
"Well I'm gonna be the one to prove I'm a better one than you!" Kokichi continued
"How does Gonta show (Y/n) he is a true gentleman!?" Gonta easily gave in to Kokichi's expectations, as usual, and so the purple haired boy gave Gonta a "plan of action" leaving Gonto to stride off to (Y/n)'s dorm.

(Y/n) pov
I hear a knock at the door. I got up from my bed and walked over to the door, opening it to reveal my boyfriend.
"Gonta?" I asked, confused as to why he wasn't outside still
"H-Hello (Y/n), Gonta is here to show
(Y/n) how he is true gentleman!" He stated, more like stuttered out, and walked into my room.
"You okay, Gonta?" I ask, worried that Kokichi has gotten to him again
"Yes, Gonta is okay" He responded, walking over to me and placing his arms around my waist. Gonta brushed his fingers over my side as he bought his palm over to my face, placing it on my cheek
"Gonta love (Y/n)" He stated, causing me to giggle and rest my head in his palm
"(Y/n) loves Gonta too...~" I responded softly. Gonta stared into my eyes softly for a while, until he began to tug at the hem of my bottoms.
"G-Gonta? What're you doing?" I ask
"Showing Gonta is gentleman" he bluntly responded and pushed me down onto my bed gently, tugging my bottoms off completely, leaving me in only my underwear. My face darkens with a blush as Gonta takes my shirt off and begins to unbutton his own.

"H-How do you know how to do all of this...?" I asked as Gonta removed all of his clothing on his top half
"Kokichi told me"
Of course he did...
As Gonta stood before me, he looked down at my bare chest and exposed buds. He reached is hands around my chest and began to rub my nipples with his thumbs, I squirmed under his strong yet soft grip as his calloused hands rubbed my sensitive chest.
Gonta stared at my squirming and blushing form with what seemed to be lust, a very large tent could be seen in his bottoms as he watched. His instincts took over and he bought his mouth to one of my nipples, wetting the now more sensitive bud and sucking and licking it, while pinching and twisting the other one. These movements made me feel even better and begin to audibly whine at the small yet constant pleasure, Gonta hearing this, stopped his sucking and moved to my lips, bringing me into a loving kiss.
His rough yet welcoming lips clashed with mine as he began to push his tongue- asking for entrance. I allowed it and his tongue immediately began to dance with mine in a swirling motion, his warmth mixing with mine.

2nd person pov
As the two of you kissed, Gonta began to slide his bottoms and underwear off, his massive member bouncing out. Once Gonta broke the kiss, a thick string of saliva connected your lips until its weight broke it. Now that the kiss was broken, you were able to look down at your boyfriend's length...
He. Was. Huge. Absolutely massive. You couldn't even tell if it was human or not...
It had to have been at least 10 inches in length and 6 inches in girth. His dick was wet with precum and was itching to be touched, you could tell Gonta had never even thought to masturbate.
"H-Hold on Gonta! Y-Your t-thing is too big!" You shouted in fear for your life
"Oh... Kokichi also gave me this, Kokichi said he got it from casino" Gonta said as he pulled out a big bottle of ultra slick lube
"O-Okay..." You say, slightly more reassured that lube will be used, extra slick one at that.
Your boyfriend then began to slide off your underwear, leaving you fully naked under him. Gonta then pushed you back onto the bed and spread your legs slightly, causing you to blush even harder than before.
He took the lube and poured a good amount onto two of his fingers, he seen spread your cheeks with his free and and brought his wet fingers to your hole.

"Can Gonta do it?" He asked, looking up to you for your approval - seems Kokichi tought him about consent.
I simply nod, unable to speak with out whining. And with that, Gonta began to push one of his thick, covered fingers against my entrance, it slipping in very easily.
"Ah- ahh~" I moan out from the sudden friction. Gonta takes the sounds as reassurance and continues to pump his girth finger in and out of your slick hole, soon adding his second finger to beging opening your entrance up.
"Hnggg... haaa~" you moan out softly and Gonta's fingers rub around your walls gently, sometimes rubbing your prostate weakly.
Finnaly, after what felt like constant teasing, Gonta slowly removed his fingers, recieving a whine from you. Your boyfriend positioned his massive member at your stretched, slicked up hole and pushed against the entrance.
"P-Put some lube on your dick before pushing it in..." you say blushing, Ginta followed your instruction and poured some lube onto his girth, covering it fully.

He then began to push at your stretched hole, the very tip already spreading you from the lubrication. As Gonta pushed his whole tip in, you mewled out in pleasure, and moaned his name out.
"Gonta~" you moaned loudly as he continued to push his length into you, the hard rod pushing against your walls forcefully. After some time of Gonta entering his massive length into you, he finnally bottomed you out fully, his pulsating cock laying inside of you. Gonta moved down, placing his arms on either side of you and facing your pleasure-contorted face - he then bucked his hips slightly, jabbing your prostate lightly, causing you to moan
"Ahh!~" you moaned out as Gonta started to continually grind against your prostate, stimulating you like crazy. You began to moan constantly as he began to slide his huge fick in and out of you, the lube pushing up to your rim then being pushed back inside by your boyfriend's cock. Your moans fueled Gonta as he began to fasten his pace up and pound into you harder and harder.

"Agnh! Haa! Y-Yes T-Therahhh! Hnnggg~" was all that was coming out your mouth as gonta started to drill into you at an animalistic pace, pounding your prostate head on everytime he slid into your stretched hole. Gonta grunted at every pound he did and you moaned incoherent words, your climax approaching. After a little while longer, a warmth could be felt in your stomach as your dick twitched, a long string of white erupting out less than a second after that warmth disappeared. More strings of your seed spurted out of your member as Gonta continued to pound into you mercilessly, slipping his arms underneath you to lift you up onto him, to ride his massive rod.
"Ha... Ha... Gonta..." you panted out, but then Ginta begand to grind you on his dick, you're prostate being stimulated again.
This carried on for a long time, Ginta kept on pleasuring you in different ways until you came and then switched positions, not once cumming himself. The two of you even preformed a 69 on each other, you lied on top of Gonta as he spread your cheeks, bringing his tongue to your wrecked hole and ravishing it, all of this was happening as you were struggling with his huge member. Gonta began to eat you out like an animal, his thick tongue reaching all the right spots, rubbing against your prostate again, making your face go red from how sensitive it had become. Ginta eventually made you cum again and then made you ride him again - only this time it was facing away from him.

Your boyfriend lovingly hugged you as his hard, pushing shaft drilled you again and again. Your body shook in overstimulation as you moaned out random sounds, Gonta following suit with his more common grunts.
After a long drilling and pounding, Gonta started to get more sloppy and quick with his thrusts.
"Ha! HA!~" You moaned out as he abused your prostate, Gonta joining you with a deep groan
"Ahh... Gonta is... a gentle... man!" He shouted as his massive cock pulsed inside of you, finnally releasing a thick liquid into you. The liquid filled you up as you came for the 10th time that night, and you were panting with Gonta as you rode out your highs.
Gonta slowly pulled his cum slathered rod out of your painted insides and a thick wave of cum slowly poured out of your extremely loose hole. Your boyfriend laid you on your bed and went to the bathroom, coming back with a cool wet towel and began to clean the two of you up. The both of you now clean, got under the covers and fell asleep - you resting your head on Gonta's firm yet comforting body.

Thanks for reading! I'm sorry if this seemed rushed or ooc but I still joke you enjoyed! Please remember to vote as it means a lot.
Words ~ 1700

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