🍋Seme!Shuichi x Uke!M!Reader🍋

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This was requested but the person decided to stay anonymous - if you see this I hope you enjoy and thanks for requesting!

Title: C'mon fuck me emo boy
Au: Non-Despair and at hopes peak 3rd year
Info: Shuichi and you aren't dating but have a flirty thing going on

Shuichi may be ooc, sorryyyy

Not proof read!

2nd person pov
God was class boring, you couldn't help but not pay attention. The teacher was a boring old man that would never even interact with the class, so this class always gave you an hour to day dream - and what better to dream about than the cute, mysterious yet hot loner that was Shuichi Saihara. You were one of the only people he talked to other than Kaede and Kaito, and your conversations were nothing less than incredibly horny, now, of course it was just jokes and messing around but at its core, Shuichi and you were basically flirting every time you two talked - you two had such good chemistry that even Kaede and Kaito told you to get a room more than once. You were so deep into your thoughts that you didn't notice you had been staring at Shuichi this whole time, with an undeniably sexy side eye and smirk, Shuichi looked at you for a moment, quickly returning his eyes to his note pad after you noticed. Your face gets hot out of embarrassment, he caught you staring at him for at least fifteen minutes! Now having a quiet melt down in class instead of day dreaming, you were brought back to reality by Maki passing you a note
"*What?*" you ask in a whisper and an eyebrow raised.
"*From Shuichi.*" Maki responded, pointing behind her to Shuichi, who was 'discretely' looking over to check you had received the note. You take the note with a thank you nod and opened it - Maki turning back around to not get caught passing notes, even though it was unlikely - the note read "stay behind after class, I've got something to tell you" what did he want to say...? Returning your attention to the teacher, you waited until the end of class, thinking of what Shuichi would have to say and peaking at him every so often.

As class finished, people rushed out to get to lunch and meet with their friends, but you just slowly packed your stuff away. Once the teacher had left with his stuff, it was only you and Shuichi left in the classroom. You heard a chair scrape on the ground and footsteps that were walking towards you, you look up and see Shuichi right infront of you
"A-Ah! Hello, Shuichi!~ What did you want?" You ask, dropping your usually flirty demeanor for once
"Well... I just had a surprise for you-" Shuichi says as he moves his head closer to your ear
"- a really big surpise~" He says in your ear, making you blush from the connotation
"O-Ohh~ Well where is this big surprise then?" You ask, returning the suggestive tone
"...Why don't you guess?" Shuichi replied, hesitantly- you could see on his face that even he was nervous about doing... this. Noticing the obvious boner in his bottoms, you take the hint and muster up some courage; finally that flirting paid off.
"Is it... Here?~" You ask, placing your index finger onto his clothed member and rubbing your finger up and down his tightly covered shaft.
"Haaaa.... Yeah it is~" Shuichi responds with a satisfied sigh. After a few more rubs of the tent in his pants, Shuichi grabs your wrist, stopping your hand
"How about you unwrap your gift now?~" Shuichi says, moving his face only cm away from yours
"Here?!" You ask wide eyed, the classroom not being the safest place
"I don't see why not. We can always move location if we want to go further~" Shuichi suggested. You think about it for a second but nod in agreement in the end. As Shuichi backed away from your face, he slightly pushed his hips out to move his huge bulge closer to you, you slowly move your hands up towards his crotch and undo the button, pull down the zipper and slip your hands under the waist line of Shuichi's sleek patterned boxers. After one drawn out breath, you slide down his boxers, Shuichi's long and veiny cock flug out and slapped onto your face - his intoxicating smell filling your nose. Shuichi thursted his hips slowly to rub his length on your face, sighs of pleasure coming out of his mouth as he did so. Your face winced from the feeling and the smell of musk that came off from Shuichi's hard meat, but you didn't let a second of this... experience go to waste, you stuck your wet tongue out fully and let Shuichi rub his cock all over your warm and slick muscle.
"Gahhhhh~" Shuichi moaned as the underside of his veiny and tasty rod was being coated in your saliva. You started to move your tongue around, rubbing all of Shuichi's sweet spots, your tongue circled around Shuichi's cock and made every part it could reach drenched in your spit. Shuichi continued to groan and moan from the feeling of your warm and wet tongue teasing his huge dick, until he finally shoved at least half of the gargantuan thing into your mouth. You almost gagged from how deep his throbbing cock had gone down your throat but you quickly welcomed the hot, musky piece of meat. You swirled your tongue around Shuichi's dripping tip and listened to his deep gasps and moans, your movements felt so good that Shuichi grabbed your hair with both of his hands to stabilise himself.

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