🌸Kaito x M!Reader🌸

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Title: Ultimate Pharmaceutical Scientist
AU: Yes - non-despair, but still at the academy/ your talent is the ultimate pharmaceutical scientist
Slight angst(?) And minor spoilers
I haven't played the post game for v3 so don't attack me plz

3rd pov

It was late at night. (Y/n) had just hung out with Kaito for the day and went to his research lab to work on some new projects. Now you may be wondering what (Y/n)'s talent is, (Y/n) is the ultimate pharmaceutical scientist - he basically develops medicines, drugs and vaccines, he helped discover a really famous vaccine that saved tons of lives.
(Y/n) was sitting at his desk, studying the affects of potassium on the heart when he heard a knock on his lab door.
He got up from his chair and walked over to the door opening it, revealing a slightly distraught Kaito.
"Kaito?" (Y/n) asked, looking at a small pink blood stain on Kaito's shirt, worriedly
"H-Hey (Y/n)... Can I come in?" Kaito slightly pleaded
"Y-Yeah, yeah sure" (Y/n) let Kaito in, and started to question him gently
"What's wrong? Did something happen?"
"Listen I need to tell yo-" Kaito was saying until he started to cough, he began to cough more and more and then blood started to spurt out
"Kaito! What's happening, are you okay?!" (Y/n) asked, rushing to Kaito's side, trying to help him.

The coughing fit subsided and Kaito began to explain his situation to (Y/n), (Y/n) becoming upset that Kaito had to go through this all this time.
"Kaito... why didn't you tell me sooner?" (Y/n) questioned
"I thought it was just a sickness... and I didn't wanna bother you... But now, I need your help, I'm getting weaker by the day" Kaito explained
"S-Sure, but... it's an unknown illness, I might give you something that'll worsen it and you'll die... I can't risk that!" (Y/n) looked at the ground, feeling horrible that he couldn't help Kaito.
"Please, (Y/n)..." Kaito pleaded, making (Y/n) give in
"Fine... come over here and I'll test somethings.

Over the next week or so, (Y/n) and Kaito worked together to find some form of cure for this virus Kaito contracted. (Y/n) did everytest in the book, he spent nights up in his resserch lab next to Kaito's and tried to figure out weaknesses of the virus. Of course Kaito felt bad, and told (Y/n) to take breaks and to get some sleep but (Y/n) always responded with
"I don't have time for sleep" or "Your life is on the line, I won't take a break until you're all good"
This continued on until one lucky day, after two weeks of studies and next to no sleep, (Y/n) made a drug that will weaken and subdue the Virus Kaito had - now this wasn't a cure but it would give Kaito and (Y/n) more time to create a vaccine to fully kill the virus. After another week of testing that drug, (Y/n) finally took a break
"Thank you, (Y/n)..." Keitaro smiled, as he hugged (Y/n)
"Don't thank me... I... didn't even... heal youuu...." (Y/n) was saying, but he fell asleep in Kaito's arms. Kaito chuckled as a small blush crept up on his face.
"Hehe, you still did a lot, you perfectionist..." Kaito whispered as he sat at you're desk chair with you on his arms, the two of you sleeping there for the rest of the day - you tired from the weeks of sleepless nights and Kaito still slightly weak from his virus.

The next morning, (Y/n) woke up against Kaito's strong chest.
"K-Kaito..!" (Y/n) blushed
"Oh, hey... Good morning" Kaito chuckled as he looked down at (Y/n), slightly blushing himself. (Y/n) quickly got up and straightened his clothes out, returning to his blood samples, Kaito looking st him work in awe
'(Y/n)'s so cute when he concentrates.. wait, why am I thinking that?' Kaito thought to himself

1 week time skip

After another week, after blood samples and tedious extraction processes, (Y/n) finnally developed a working vaccine for Kaito's illness - he wasn't the ultimate pharmaceutical scientist for nothing.
"Okay, Kaito, I'm going to inject this into your arm, okay?" (Y/n) warned Kaito
"Okay!" Kaito said Bravely. (Y/n) gently inserted the needle into Kaito's arm and injected the vaccine.
"There we go! Now just sleep for a good ten hours to avoid any symptoms and luppyness and you should be fine... hopefully this works..." (Y/n) said, tiredly
"I'm sure it will, (Y/n)! You did great, thank you" Kaito said as he embraced (Y/n) gently, making him blush
"A-Ah! T-Thanks..."
"Can I sleep with you, here? I'm starting to feel woosy" Kaito said, faking being disoriented
"Y-Yeah! The medical bed is over there!" (Y/n) pointed, avoiding the 'sleep with you' part, annoying Kaito slightly. Kaito grabbed (Y/n)'s wrist and dragged him to the bed
"You need to sleep to! C'mon, lay next to me" Kaito patted next to him
"O-Okay..." (Y/n) agreed and laid next to Kaito.

The two of them fell asleep and slept for the next 12 hours, both of them needing the rest. Weeks past and Kaito had no more symptoms of the virus, he was so happy that he ran up to (Y/n) and kissed him, (Y/n) blushing like mad but kissing back, the two later started to date and spend their time in the academy happily.

Short bonus end
"Hey Kaito" (Y/n) said as he looked down below him, Kaito sitting on the floor of (Y/n)'s room
"Yeah, babe?" Kaito responded
"Shouldn't we name that virus? Since it's unknown and all" (Y/n) questioned
"Sure, go for it" Kaito responded, not really wanting to be reminded of that horrid virus.
"Then how about... The Hoshi Virus? THV for short" (Y/n) suggested
"The star virus? Why star?" Kaito questioned
"'Cause, my Luminary of the stars had it so it deserves a name to reminisce you" (Y/n) blushed as he said that, Kaito doing the same
"Y-Yeah, whatever" Kaito blushed

A/N - thank you for reading, sorry ots short but I had a small idea and I wanted to write. I've been working on the camp buddy book and I'm on part three right now! It'll be a small while before it's posted tho...

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