🍋Seme!Nekomaru x Uke!M!Reader🍋

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Requested by Oliver403! Thanks for requesting - this was such a good idea and I went all out for it!
Hope you enjoy

Title: Shower room
AU: Non-despair
Info: you're a regular third year at your school but get coached on running by Nekomaru, this has been happening for the past three months and you kinda have the hots for him

Smut warning: foreskin, Sweat, smell kink, hard-core, shower sex, body hair kink(?), degradation(?)

This was super long and I tried really hard so please remember to vote and I hope you enjoy!

Not proof read

2nd person pov
You were at the gym with Nekomaru again and had just finished your session, you were late so the session went into overtime and the both of you were left alone in the gym. He had been coaching you on your running for about three months, and for all three of those months you couldn't help but admire his manly muscles and build, his huge body and the intoxicated smell he had, the mere thought of seeing Nekomaru even half naked made you as hard as steel.
During your session, you kept glancing over at Nekomaru, looking at his obvious and massive bulge or his thick pecks when his tank top would go see-through with sweat - and little did you know that Nekomaru noticed all of this, and he liked it. In fact, Nekomaru himself was eyeing you up for the past month or so, watching as your ass bounced everytime you ran or how you panted cutely and bent over infront of him everytime you finished a run, Nekomaru was turned on by every little thing you did as well.
As the two of you walked towards the shower rooms to change out of your sweat soaked clothes, Nekomaru placed his gigantic, masculine hand in your shoulder and lowered himself to whisper in your ear
"I saw you eyeing me up-" He started, you blushed instantly, getting ready to apologise profusely, but Nekomaru continued
"-follow me" He said and walked ahead of you into the shower room. You stood there in shock for a moment, but quickly followed him, excited for what you thought was to come.
Once you entered the shower room, you saw Nekomaru sitting on a bench with his trousers off and... A GARGATUAN ERRECTION! His cock was titanic! It stoop up above his navel and was almost as thick as your arm! Thick, veiny foreskin covered the tip of his dark tanned shaft and a pool of precum could be seen at the top
"Hehe, surprised? Come 'ere and get on your knees will ya?" Nekomaru chuckled with a growl and pointed to the ground in-between his legs. You obediently walked over, admiring all of his body as you kneeled down - thick, black body hair covered his legs and bushed up near his massive cock and baseball sized balls, thick forests of sweaty black hair sprouted out of his armpits and in between his ginormous pecks, the smell of his masculine sweat and musk filled the hot air around him and intruded your nostrils, making you hard in an instant.

Once you had kneeled down, you looked up and stared at Nekomaru's massive shaft and looked into his brown orbs behind it, he looked into your (e/c) eyes with lust and energy, even though he had just trained you for an hour.
Nekomaru grabbed you gently by your soft (h/c) locks and pushed your head towards his musky girth, you looked at it basking in its veiny, tanned, sweaty glory. Taking a big wiff of his sweaty cock, you grab his dick by his tip and start to slide his thick foreskin up and down his shaft, slimy and wet sounds of his sweat echoing through the shower room, Nekomaru sighed in relief as you jacked off his thick member.
You begin to move your hand lower down his shaft, wrapping both of your hands around his thick meat and sliding his foreskin higher up, the pool of precum overflowing and running down your hands.
"Haaa.... shitttt...." Nekomaru grunts out as you move your head closer to his manly smelling, tanned tip and kitten lick his piss slit, spreading his precum all over the tip of his shaft and your tongue.
As you continue to stroke his massive cock, you start to roll and rub your tongue over Nekomaru's fat dick head, making him moan out in a deep, manly voice that sent shivers down your spine. You then lower your head more, sucking his whole pulsing, mushroom shaped tip into your wet mouth.
Nekomaru panted as you sucked on his fat head and rubbed your tongue over his slit - slowly inching down his girthy shaft. You remove his cock from your mouth and lick and suck down the veiny side of his fat rod, your slimy saliva running over his shaft and connecting it to your mouth.

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