🍋Seme!Izuru x Uke!M!Reader🍋

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Requested by L0V3MEL0DY! Thanks for requesting and I hope you enjoy!

Prewarning: I'm not familiar with Izuru! If he's ooc I apologise but I did specifically make changes so I would be comfortable writing this!

Title: Libido
AU: Non Despair- Izuru keeps his emotions and returns as a regular student
Info: You're part of the SDR2 class and in your third year - and Izuru gets added into your class

Not proof read!!

2nd person pov
Today was meant to be a regular school day, homeroom then lessons then back to the dorms - however it didn't end up like that. The day started as usual, you woke up, washed up and changed into your uniform and then headed to the school building, walking into your classroom and sitting in your seat
"Hey, (Y/n)!" Ibuki shouts once she notices you
"Hmhm~ Morning Ibuki!" You say with a smile. More and more of your class started to walk in and chat until the bell rang. Everyone expected Ms. Yukizome to walk in like normal - but instead, she came in with someone. It was a boy, looked around your age with very long, dark hair, he looked serious and he had bold red eyes
"Good Morning~! This is Izuru Kamakura, he will be joining your class from now on, please welcome him with open arms~" Ms. Yukizome introduced the boy and then nodded to him, as to sign to him to introduce himself
"Hello. My name is Izuru Kamakura, I look forward to being your classmate." The boy said and bowed quickly
"Izuru, you can sit next to (Y/n), (Y/n) could you raise your hand please?" Ms. Yukizome asked and you did as told. You raised your hand and Izuru walked over to the empty seat next to you, placing his bag down and sitting on his chair.
"Hello, I'm (Y/n) (L/n) - pleased to meet you~!" You say with your usual smile and shake the ravenettes hand, you notice his hand was abnormally warm, but you just brushed it off as he was probably just nervous. Ms. Yukizome continued homeroom and then we continued on with our day.

The day went by slowly, the new guy seemed a bit off during all four lessons, he was shifting in his seat and breathing heavily, but you didn't really give any thought to his odd movements or strange breathing. As the bell rang, you rejoiced in the fact that you could go to lunch now, Ibuki walked up to your seat and watched as you grabbed your (f/c) bento box out of your bag. You noticed that Izuru had gotten up and left but you were distracted by Ibuki's... loud personality. You both chatted as you ate your lunches and the time went by quickly - once you were both finished, half an hour had already gone by.
"So~ what'd you think about new boy?" Ibuki asked with a smirk you knew all too well. Ibuki was your closest friend, and she was also the only person you had come out to - so every time you interacted with any male, she would comment on it.
"He's okay, I don't know what you want me to say" you say while side eyeing her.
"Welllll, I think you should get to know him~ I can see it now! '(Y/n) and the mysterious new student' that would be so-" Ibukia was already in her own world, spewing her nonsense
"Right. Imma go to the bathroom while you fantasise" you say, getting up from your chair and placing your bento back into your bag.
"-like it'd be the cutest- oh, okay! I'll see you in a but thennnn!" Ibuki shouts to you as you walk out of the classroom. Walking to the nearest bathroom, you enter and go to a cubicle (what kind of gay uses a urinal), finishing your business you go to the sink to wash your hands - but something catches your attention as you're about to leave.

From one of the cubicles, you can hear very heavy breathing and deep muffled noises. Your curiosity got the better of you, so you walked up to the cubicle, you noticed that it was unlocked so you slowly moved your hand up and pushed against the door. Behind the door was none other than Izuru Kamakura, sitting on the covered toilet, face red with heat, sweat dripping down his face and making his long hair stick to his face. You look down and see that his bottoms were pulled down, and he had slipped his huge and rock hard member out! It seemed as if he was jacking off but you didn't get to ponder on what he was doing for long - Izuru's eyes were wide as his head jolted up and stared at you
"Haa.. Ha... Ack!" He shouted as he panted.
"I-I'm sorry!" You shout back, slamming the cubicle shut
"W-Wait!" Izuru shouted, pushing the door back open
"Please... Help me" He looked up with desperation, his cock was gushing precum, his veins popping out and his thighs sweaty
"W-What?" You stutter out, shocked by Izuru's request
"I haven't been able to cum and I've been going since the start of lunch!" Izuru shouted again, moving forwards and wrapping his sticky hand around your wrist. You take a long look at Izuru, Ibuki was right, he was very attractive and his dick only convinced you more - that thing had to be 7 inches.
"...Fine-" You agree, and Kamakura's eyes lighten up
"-but! No-one finds out about this" you say with a small plea in your voice. Izuru nods eagerly and let's go of your wrist. He fully removes his underwear and trousers as you take your own bottoms and underwear off. Walking over to Izuru, you shut and lock the cubicle door, sitting onto Izuru's lap and wrapping your arms around his neck.
"Prepare me first..." you say and the ravenette immediately gets to it.

Lapping up some precum from his covered member, Izuru covers two of his fingers in his sticky pre and slips them in between your plush, (s/t) cheeks. You stare into his lust filled eyes as Izuru starts to prod at your tight hole, his precum lubing up your outside. His index finger starts to slip in, the feeling making you gasp a moan out, fueling Izuru's raging boner.
"Ahhh~" you moan softly as Izuru's finger pushes deeper into you, his eyes looking over your blushing face with awe. He nuzzled his finger into your walls, his digit already knuckle deep, and he started to insert his second, precum coated finger into you. Loud and erotic squelches could be heard as Izuru started to spread his masculine fingers inside of you, pressing against your soft walls and opening you up.
Once Izuru removed his fingers, you had to fight a whine back, but that urge would soon leave when Kamakura positioned his thick, red, pulsing head at your entrance. You whimpered quietly into Izuru's ear as his cock gushed more pre out, covering your hole and his member. Looking into your (e/c) eyes,  Izuru couldn't hold back and crashed his lips against yours - your own lust took over, letting Izuru's tongue into your mouth, leading to your tongues dancing and mixing your hot saliva. As you both make out passionately, Izuru starts to push his overly lubed up cock  into your tight entrance, stretching you out loads and making you moan into his mouth.
"Mphhh~" you moaned in pleasure and slight pain as Izuru's thick meat slid into your plush and wet walls - It felt like he was splitting you open. His huge shaft stood inside your ass like a proud pole, his piss slit still leaking out precum into your insides, the warm feeling making you moan more into Izuru's mouth.

After a few more moments of his tongue dominating yours, Izuru moved his hands to your hips and starts to bounce you on his cock. His thick shaft slid in and out you, your tight ass clenching around his meat and your rim dragging with his base. You broke the kiss and moaned into Izuru's shoulder to muffle yourself, not wanting to draw attention. Izuru decided to make your job harder by... Well, pounding even harder. He drilled his massive dick deep into you, hitting your prostate with tons of force, you bit into his shoulder and whined the loudest whine you could. Izuru went at an animal like pace, pounding his sweaty hips I to yours and wrecking your tight ass.
At one point, Izuru lifted you up with (with a strength you had no idea he had) and flipped you around, your back now on his sweaty and warm chest. He started to bounce you again and your moans spewed put like crazy - your dick was bouncing up and down as Izuru pounded you harshly, attacking your prostate constantly.
You continue to get absolutely destroyed, but as your about to scream out in ecstasy (your orgasm almost reaching) a knock can be heard on the bathroom door.

(Y/n)?!" Ibuki shouts from outside the boys bathroom. You quickly cover your mouth and Izuru slows his pace down. Still bouncing slowly on Kamakura's thick meat, you try to respond to Ibuki
"Y-Yeah? *gah~*" You shout back, sniffling a moan after.
"Whats taking you so long?" Ibuki shouts back
"O-Oh! I'm just-shit~- i-just-am-having-nggg-health problems!  You struggle shouting back as Izuru's cock was nuzzling against your prostate and cold air was wrapping around your bouncing dick.
"Ohhhhh! Okay! Well I'll see you next lesson!" Ibuki shouts again and her footsteps could be heard fading away.
"H-Hey! Why didn't you stop-ahhhhh!~" you were scolding Izuru but in the middle of it, he couldn't hold back anymore and began drilling you like a wild animal again. His cock pounded you so hard that your cock finally gave in
"Gahhh-mphhhhhhhh~!!!" With a loud moan that was quickly muffled by Izuru's big and masculine hand, you dick shot out strings of your white cum. A puddle formed on the tiled ground as your cock continued to spurt huge amounts of cum out, all while Izuru continued to pound harshly into you.

After a few more hard plows from Izuru, he gripped your waist tighter and forced you down onto his shaft one last time, the thick, veiny meat reaching the deepest it possibly could. Muffling his moan by biting into your shoulder, Izuru shot out gallons of his built up, thick and viscous seed. The smell of cum and sweat filled your nose as Izuru continued to stutter and rut his hips into you, needing his cum into your wet walls. He finally detached his teeth from your shoulder, panting deeply into your ear
"Thank you~ That was amaizing" he said in the most attractive and deep voice you'd ever heard
"A-anytime~!" You struggle to respond, mainly from the gallons of cum that were stuffing your insides but also from the sudden blush that spilled onto your face. You both hurried and cleaned up, Izuru helping you clean out his thick seed from your insides and getting your clothes on. He helped your limping self over to your next class and let's just say the class didn't shut up about the new kid bringing in a limping (Y/n)....

Thanks for reading and requesting!! I really enjoyed myself writting this but if I wrote Izuku anywhere instead of Izuru I do apologise 😅.  Bye bye for now ^^

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