Another Idiot?!

383 11 2
  • Dedicated to Amanda

I growled and flattened my ears against my head. I spread my wings and crouched.

"Back off!" I growled as he stepped closer, reaching into a pocket in his pants.

"Why should I, my dear princess?" He asked. I never got to answer because of the bell. My classmates rushed out of the door and I stood there, looking dumbfounded. Mark took his hand out of his pocket and handed me some clothes, and a new coat, since my old one got ripped.

I tilted my head and cautiously took the clothes a jogged to the door, hiding if anyone came by. The coast was clear and I rushed out to the bathroom, holding my clothes.

I shifted into my human form, got dressed and looked into the mirror that hung on the wall. I looked at my hair to find a red streak running through the middle of my hair. I tucked my tail into my pants leg, and hid my wings in my coat. I looked in the mirror one more time to make sure I looked okay. I pushed up and glasses and made my way out of the bathroom.

I found Mark, waiting patiently, leaning on the wall. He looked up and smiled his cute smile- No Kelly, you can't fall for him. I thought. Your heart will just get ripped out again.

I tilted my head. "What are you doing here waiting? You should be in class..." I said in a soft voice. Oh good, everything else changes on me but my voice.

He quirked up an eyebrow and smirked. "Why would I leave you, Kell?" I shook my head and grabbed his wrist slightly, dragging him around the corner, stopping at the office.

"Karen, could we get two passes?" I asked, while Karen nodded, making out the passes and handing them to us. I thanked her and walked off to the band room, dragging Mark with me.

When we got there, I slowed down to a halt. Doubt crossed my face as I looked down.

"Kelly, What's wrong?" Mark asked, taking his wrist from my hand and wrapping his arm around me.

"I don't want to go in there.." I shook my head. "Why should I even be talking to you? You came into my school, took out a effin' scythe, stuck it in my neck and didn't apologize for it!" Mark looked amused as I said this, so I just growled and went into the band room.

Mrs. Derickson stopped her sentence to look at me, anger painted on her face.

"Where have you been, Kelly?" She asked, crossing her arms. "It's 10 minutes into class."

I walked up to her slowly, glancing at my classmates. "I- uh..." I started, but I felt a hand on my head.

"I'm so sorry Mrs. Derickson, but Kelly here was showing me around the school, since I forgot half of the orientation already." Mark apologized, shooting me one of his smirks.

I swear one day, I will slap that smirk off his face. Snapping me out of my thoughts, Mark grabbed the two passes and handed them to Derickson.

She studied them for a few moments, putting them on her stand when she was down. "Alright, just go sit down." You - what's your name? Mark, alright. I'll get you seated right away..." She droned on while I took my seat.

I sighed. This is going to be a long day, I thought as Mark passed me grinning from ear to ear.

The day went on, skipping from Band, to Language Arts, and to Art.

"Just one more class until lunch..." I mumbled, making my way through the halls to the art room. I stepped in, set my bag by my stool, and took a seat, shifting a bit to avoid sitting on my tail.

My classmates filed in. I have about 19 people in my class - 7 girls and 12 boys. I sit next to Matt, Kenna and Lilly. Next table left of me sits Lue, Paul, Kevin and Remington, Rem for short. The table ahead of me sits Miranda, Travis and Xeng. The table diagonal to me sits Lance, John, Lincoln and Mariah. The one in the back has Kyle, Mackenzie, Kenzie for short, Jordyn and Theresa. 

I shied away from the hand that touched my shoulder, only to be rewarded with laughter.

"Can you ask the teacher where I sit, or so I have to do that, princess?" Mark asked, brushing my hair from my eyes. I slapped his hand away from my face.

"Can't you do it?" I asked. "I just got comfy..." I heard him chuckle, and assuming he nodded, he walked off towards the teacher, Tina. We use her first name because her last name is AndersonRichards.

I watched as Mark approached her and told Tina something. Tina smiled and pointed to the table in front of me, I assume that's where he was going to sit since it's full everywhere else.

Mark gave me a cheeky smile and cocked his eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes and looked down at my pencil in my hands. Mark sat down and began the lesson.

Lunch came, practically after a millennia.

I'm starving, I thought as I waited impatiently for the line to shorten up.

"I can't believe it, Kelly." Mariah and Lincoln exclaimed at the same time. 

"Mark finally came to Minnesota!" Lincoln slammed the table in emphasis.

Theresa laughed and said something to Jordyn and Miranda. they both laughed, making Kenna ask why they were laughing.

"Yeah..." I mumbled, as Mark slipped in next to me, setting his lunch of some spaghetti, apple sauce, chocolate milk and a breadstick, all while wrapping an arm around me.

"Aren't you eating, Kell?" He asked, his brow furrowing in concern. I shook my head.

"No," I lied.

A moment of silence from him passed before he handing me his untouched spoon and apple sauce. "Eat." He ordered, shoving the apple sauce towards me. I sighed, pushing it back towards him.

"I don't wanna." I mumbled.

"Eat." He snapped.



"Mark, I don't want to eat."

"Princess, you're eating." He said, scooping some mushed apples into the spoon. Mark shoved the spoon towards my mouth. I jerked my head back and gave him a questioning look.

"Open." He said. I lifted up an eyebrow before sighing. I open my mouth and Mark fed me the apple sauce. This went on until the apple sauce was gone. When that was gone he gave me his breadstick and made me eat that with some spaghetti.

That went on until the bell rang, signaling we get to class. that is, if we could have gotten to class.

BUT there had to be an idiot to interrupt us.

His name was Jason, that son of a bitch - pardon my language.

Jason burst into the cafiterica holding and axe and a gun. He pointed the gun at me and smiled madly.

"Come here, Kelly." He sneered. "Or perish."

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