A rest and the stranger...

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I hovered about... 6 feet in the air, not until I 'ran' into a tree.

"Uhnn..." I groaned as I fell from the tree onto the very hard and cold ground. I shook off the hands of Regan, Amanda and Mark.

"I don't need help.." I snapped. I turned into a wolf and took a confident step foward, but ended up face flat on the ground. I growled as Mark helped me up. "Mark, I don't need your help..."

"Oh, yes you do, Kell." Mark said, ordering me to change myself into my human form. I did as he said, while muttering as Mark picked me up bridial-style. I growled softly as I heard the Master and Jd snicker.

"Close your eyes, my Kelly. Rest up.." Mark cooed, kissing my chin. I smiled up t him and snuggled my head into his jacket, darkness surrounding me, hoping for the best.

But that won't happen.


I opened my eyes to find myself in a white room. 'Ugh... not again..' I thought scornfully.

'Likely, My dear Kell.' I heard Mark's voice in my head. My head shot straight up and I tried to call for him, but something was in my mouth.

'What the hell do I have in my mouth?' I said irritated. I saw Mark out of the corner and he had a gag in his mouth.

'A gag.' Mark's voice said again. I groaned and bit the gag with my vampire teeth.

"Oh, we have a smart wolfy here." I heard a voice linger into the walls. I saw Regan's head shoot up and she instantly turned into her cat form. She broke her bounds and took the gag out of her mouth.

"Shadowscream?" She asked.


Sorry it's short... I'm so sick though... :T

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