New House..? Yay..

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The road was rough.

How do I know, may you ask?

We were bouncing up and down in the van

"This is in humane!!" I shrieked at the master, who was driving the van. There was like a glass between the Master and us. I saw the Master grin and yell, "I know!"

I sat back, blacsting the glass with fire, nothing burnt, which made me pissed. When i gave up I sat by Mark, and watched Regan, who was stumbling around, looking for something to break. I watched her and out of nowhere, Master stopped the car.

I tumbled towards the front, but Mark caught me. I rubbed my head, "Ow.." Master opened the door and I covered my face with my wing. "Fuck the sun.." I got up and hopped out of the car, straightening my dress. I shot a couple of servants a dirty look as they whistled at me. I started running at them but the master grabbed my arm. I shot a fireball at the servants and they took off running.

I smirked and looked to see some guards tackling Regan. I shrieked at the guards and told them to stop. I yanked my arm from the master and changed into a wolf, making my dress disappear, but the scars on my back shown through my fur. I ran towards the guards and Regan, but SOmeone grabbed a leash or something and put it around my neck and dragged my away. I shrieked and thrashed, until we were inside the house we stopped at.

Master grabbed my muzzle, and yanked my head so I could see his stern face I growled as he said, "Kelly, they're just going to take her to the cells, and yes this place have cells." I struggled and tried to rip my head away from his grasp but he slapped his hand on the top of my head, making me see swimming black circles in my head. "Don't struggle, or fight, That won't make Regan's case anymore helpful." I narrowed my red eyes at him and he let go.

He tied the leash to a bar in the house. "Really?" I snapped at the leaash, I changed into my human form, clothes still on, but not ripped either. I untied the leash and tried to find Mark and the others.

I bumped into the Master while looking and I cursed.

"Where are the others?" I yelled in his face. He took me by the upper arms and lifted my up so I looked into his blue eyes. I narrowed my green eyes as he turned me around and steered me outside.

"They're helping unpack, unlike you." he snapped, pushing me out the door and closed the door, almost taking off my devil tip tail. I jumped as someone tackled me.

I looked at the person who tackled me, "Hi to you too, Mariah." I sat up and poked her arm. I haven't explained what Mariah looked like, so that's a shame. Her eyes changed colour from time to time, so it's hard to say, She recently dyed her hair brown before we got captured. She had a beautiful face, which, In my wqords, I counted Abraham lucky, To be with a beautiful person like Mariah.

I smiled as she poked me back and got up. I held out my hand to her and helped her up, "Where's Ma-" I started to say as I got tackled. AGAIN.

I rolled over to see Mark ontop of me, "Dude," I kissed him. "Get off." I pushed him off and got up. I straightened my maid dress. I lashed my tail as Mark whistled. I blushed and flicked his forehead.

"Shut up."

"Why?" Mark asked, winking. I laughed.

"Cause, I said so." I heard Mark mummble something as he got up and hugged me.

"So.. What do you want to do...?" I asked as Abe grabbed Mariah's hand and smiled as she laughed. I smiled.

"I don't know.." Mark said, looking at Mariah and Abe.

"We could pl-" I started, but a servant ran up to us.

"The Master wishes to speak to all of you." The servant said. I looked at Mariah, Mark and Abe. There was a moment of silence after the servant left,

"Well... C'mon then.." I said, walking into the new house.


Hey, Ish FLYWolf. Sorry this chp. is short but ya know, I gave you a long one last chp... so... ENJOY.

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