Flashbacks and The Woods.

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I glared at the king, "Hmm, What should we do to you, Royal?" I spat.

I heard Mariah say something and I turned my head towards her, "Shut it, mariah.." I grumbled, as I felt something sharp strike my leg. I shreiked and looked at the needle, the liquid still in there-so it's not injected in my blood yet.

I made my tail wrap around the needle and jabbed it in the king's neck, my eyes flashing with revenge. "HOW DO YOU LIKE BEING JABBED WITH A NEEDLE?! IT DOESN'T FEEL GOOD DOES IT?!?" I screeched. I felt Mark wrap his arms around my waist and yanked me off the king.

I struggled, but soon felt a needle being jabbed into my throat and the familiar sweet liquid go down into my stomach. I went limp with satisfaction and Mark set me on the ground, propping me on his legs.

"What was that..?" I heard the Master, Mariah, and Abe ask, all at the same time.

"Blood." Mark, Regan, Amanda and Jd answered. I looked up at Mark, butterflies swirling around his head.

A moment of silence, "Dude... Mark... Honey... Why the fuck... did you drug... me for..?" I tried to get up but Mark pushed me down.

a sudden play of images play across my vision sight.

My eyes flashing red as I'm being pushed to the ground, with mark hovering over me.

Mark has a crazy glint in his eyes.

Mark pushes my head to the ground and- I shake my head and tackle Mark. I growled in his face, Mark looking totally calm.

I stared at him, me ontop of him, and starting crying. Here and now.

Mark sits up and holds me close, while I cry, as sudden images flash across my vision again. I bury my face into mark's jacket, to hide it from the others.

"Why is she crying..?" The king suddenly asked, unaware that i could kill him right here and now. Actually.... I looked up, and stopped crying. I glared at him with my tear stained face and red eyes. I got up and walked towards him, The king sat up against a tree and looked up at me.

I leaned down and grabbed his throat; thankfully no one tried to stop me, "You don't know what it's like," I spat. "Having to relive your past, over and over again! You don't know me, my past, or anything else." The king opened his mouth to say something but I gripped my hand tighter around his throat, so all that came out of the bastard's mouth was a strangled squeak.

"You can't have pity for me, so save your breath. Also, don't try to escape, or I will personally hunt you down and kill you." I threw him down to the ground and turned to face everyone. I looked at everyone each in turn and my eyes landed on Abraham, who was holding Mariah's hand, his eyes glinted with surprise that I faced a king like that.

"Where.. did you get that courage..?" Abe asked. My eyes flickered to Mark.

"I learn." I smirked, and flew to the way to the book, which was lying on the ground. I picked it up and flipped through the pages.

It shows the woods ahead of us and giant... What the hell are those..? I don't know, You'll have to find out. I looked up from the book at everyone and began walking towards the woods.

Without questions everyone followed me, Regan and Amanda herding the still dazed looking king after us.

I sighed as we walked to the woods and stopped before we touched the trees and grass.

"What now?" I heard Jd ask.

I looked back at him and lashed my tail, "We go on an adventure."


Hey... No ideas... :T PLEASE COMMENT ON WHAT TO DO! D:


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