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I woke up with a start, "Oh, GOD PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!" I shrieked. I looked up from the ground to see the group huddled around me. I flickered my eyes over to Shadowscream, who was tied up onto a tree, looking irritated.

"Why would we kill you?" Mariah asked. I looked up at her and sat up.

I sighed through my nose and looked at the ground, "i don't know..." I lied, I knew exactly why they would like to get my filthy... half-breed... demon... freakish...blood on their hands. "Stressed, I guess..."

I flinched, but relaxed as Mark wrapped his arm around me. I flashed a look at Shadow and pushed Mark's arm off me.

I took a step foward and changed into my red wolf form, bones cracking in the process. I lashed my devil tail and sat down infront of him.

"Why, hello there, Kelly." Shadow purred."What do you have in mind for me today?" His eyes flickered with mischieviousness.

"Nothing, you idiot." I growled. "Just give me my book."

Shadow leaned in his head, "I don't have your filthy little stpid book, wolf."

I smirked and leaned in my head, so our noses are just barely touching, "You lie."

Shadow backed up his head, "How would you know?" I backed up my head and looked over at Mark, who was standing in the trees' shade. I smirked.

"You have the book in your pocket." My eyes flickered to Shadow's left jacket pocket.

Shadow snorted, "What? I left it at my place with the Prin-" My paws went up in flames adn I took a step forward.

"Don't lie to me, cat. I can do awful things." I growled. I opened my mouth and bit, the sun flashing it's light on my vampire fangs. I shot a little ball of black fire at Shadow's left pocket and the book fell out of it's singed hole.

I grabbed it in my teeth and threw it at Regan, who caught it with ease. I got up and quickly changed into my human form.

My eyes flickered black as Shadow brought the bonds and grabbed mwe by the throat.

"You'll pay. That was my favourite jacket." Shadow hissed, tightening his grip, making me lose all air from my lungs.

I gave him an answer by spitting at his eyes. His head flinched back and he wiped off the spit, "You want to play that way, then?" He took a step foward towards the group and grabbed Mark, flinging him towards a tree.

My eyes went black with red dots for pupils. I surprised myself by making a low growl come up. I made my feet touch the rock ground and took a fighting stance.

I spread my wings as the tip of each feather grow a black poisonous spike, like the ones on my back.

I snarled at Shadow and he looked a little bit frightened, but he blinked and smirked. I looked at him, striaght in his souless eyes.

I looked over at Mark as tree vines wrapped around him, holding him to the tree. I looked at Shadow adn grabbed his wrist of the hand that was wrapped around my throat.

I dug my nails into Shadow's skin adn threw him at a tree, making his hand rip some of my throat. I took a deep breath, but it soon got knocked out of me and Shadow flicked his hand, sending me at the groups feet.

I gasped for breath as the impact made me loose all air in my lungs. I layed there and ansered my friends questions with a 'yes.' I got up and stood there, looking at Shadow walk over the Mark.

"I'll make you a deal..." Shadow said. "I'll take you, your sister, and your cousin over there and I'll spare your boyfriend. Or, if you decide against it, I'll kill someone and hunt you down wherever you go." I took Sheri's hand and pulled her behind me and Regan snarled.

"Ok then..." Shadow said, smirking. He pulled out a knife and in one movement, slashed Mark's neck.

I schreeched in terror and ran towards Mark, but Mariah held me back.

"Nonononononono..." I muttered over and over agian. Shadow smirked and disappeared into smoke. I yanked my arms away from mariah and ran to Mark.

I knelt by him as tears ran down my face, "You'll be okay, Mark... I promised."

Mark took my hand and smiled weakly, "Remember the lines... and kill him..." I nodded and watched as Mark took his last breath.




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