More tears to be shed..

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I opened my eyes and stared into darkness. I waved my hand and sighed in relief, being able to see my hand. Thank GOD I wasn't blind.

I struggled to get up and looked around. I tensed up when someone grabbed my shoulders. The person leaned in my ear zone and said, "Hey, Kell." I smiled and relaxed. I spun around and hugged the ghost Mark.

"I missed you.." I whispered. "Are we close?" Mark spun my around, my back pressing against his chest. I smiled.

He smiled heartly at me and nodded, "Very close, but I must warn you, my body is fading away from my soul faster than your's did. I don't have much time. at the end of this day, it will be too late..." My smile faded slowly and I looked out into the darkness.

"I could use my vampire speed... And... And get there much quicker." Panic welled up in my voice and I started get harsh breathing. "I could- I could..." I was sushed by Mark putting his finger on my mouth and smiling softly at me.

"Your vampire speed would crush my lifeless body..." He said softly. "You either have to walk or fly." I nodded slowly, taking all this in. My powers couldn't save Mark? What if I didn't make it in time?

"You will," Mark said, reading my thoughts. I rolled my eyes and hugged Mark.

"I promise..." He voiced softly.

Then I woke up.

I sat up, groaning and wincing in pain as the pain came hitting me in the face. I put my head in my hands and flinched when someone's hand gently touched my shoulder.

Not a normal flinch like - "Ah! you scared me!" - but like, "HOLY SHIT MAN! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU FOR SCARING ME LIKE THAT?" kind of flinch.

I jumped up and landed on my feet, in a fighting stance. I heard someone chuckle and others jion in. The thing was, I knew those chuckles. I sighed and walked over to the tree I collasped by.

"Not funny guys." I snapped. Jason, The Master, Regan, Mariah, Amanda, Abraham, and Sheri walked out of the brush.

Jd snorted, "It was pretty funny." I glared at him and looked at Sheri and Regan, my only family here. I walked over to Sheri and hugged her. She winced and I looked at her bruise on her face.

Concern filled me quickly. I looked around and they were all bruised up, while Jd earned a scratch along his cheek.

"What happened to you guys?" I asked. Everyone exchanged glances and Regan was the first one to speak.

"Shadow... He attacked us once you left." My eye twitched, just as Mark's did - in annoyance.

"Cover your ears." I stated. Everyone obeyed and I took at step back, filling my lungs with air. I opened my mouth and threw my head back. And screamed.

After I was done screaming, Jd smiled. "Done with your li'l screaming fest?" I glared at him and shrugged.

"Maybe," I walked over to Mark's body and pushed him on my dcared back, settling him between my wings.

I walked over to Jd and hissed in his ear, "Or maybe I'm saving some scream for your precious little ears." Jd opened his mouth to make a snippy remark, but we all heard rustling in the bushed that were around us.

I looked around at the others and then took a step towards one bush that was rustling now.

I stepped back in fright as a soilder came out, spear pointed at my throat. I looked around at the others and soilders were advancing on them too. With spears.

I had to hold back my laughter as Burnzy came out with a crown on his fat head. I wiped my smirk off my face as Mattew came at me with a whip in his hands.

I eyed the whip intensly, "Put that thing down before you hurt yourself, my mighty prince." I spat on his shoes as I said the last few words. I grinned as he looked at me disgusted. He walked around me and gestured the guard to heft off his spear. I stuck my tongue out at him and hefted Mark up, so he won't slip off.

"Why are you carrying that... Body around?" I rolled my eyes as Burnzy asked. I lowered my eyes and kept my mouth shut.

"Nothing to say, eh?" Burnzy said, a smug little smile forming on his lips.

I laughed shortly and sourly, "Oh I have lots of things to say to you, Prince." Burnzy took out his sword and put the flat blade under my chin, forcing me to look at him.

"You know, that litttle mouth of yours will get you killed one day..." Burnzy took out his sword from under my chin, slicing some skin, and put it back in it's sheath.

"Oh I know..." I muttered, half to myself. "I know..."

Burnzy chuckled and mointioned a soilder to take my arm, another one half carrying Mark - half dragging Mark's body.

Burnzy leaned into my personal space and hissed, "Then you'd know not to fight." I glared at him and he waved at the soilders, taking us through the dense forest to a unknown spot.


I growled and snapped at the soilder as he threw me into a prison cell. I quickly stood up and caught Mark's body. I smiled and set him down while the others came tumbling in the cell.

"You'll be staying here for a little while, while I come up with a reason to kill you all." Burmzy grinned. I ran to the cell bars and lashed out at Burnzy, missing him by a inch.

"You can't kill me." I snarled. Burnzy's grin wided and he leaned into my face area.

"Oh can't I?" With that, he left.

I cursed and walked over to a barred window. I banged on the bars and pulled at them, hopelessly watching the sun slowly fall from the sky.

"Why are you fighting?" Came a soft voice from the shadows. I looked at where the voice came from and Sheri stepped out and looked at me.

I looked at her for a moment. I shook my head and looked at the sun, still - kinda - high in the sky. "That's what I was made into for... fighting." my voice echoing off the walls of the cell.

"Oh really now? I could use that." I groaned inwardly and shot a look at the so called - PRINCE.

"Just shut up." I muttered.

Burnzy cocked his head, "What did you say?" My stomach filped in my stomach. How I dreaded those words. But instead, I took a step forward and looked him straight in the eye, and grinned.

"I said shut up." Speaking slowly for an idiot like him to understand it. That earned Burnzy reaching through the bars and slapping me. I narrowed my eyes at the ground, but kept my head turned sideways, pain throbbing in my left cheek. I pushed back my hair that was falling down infront of my left scarred eye and looked at Burnzy

His smug little smile was enough for me to punch him. I narrowed my eyes as he spoke to me, "Bow infront of me, Kelly."

I looked at him in shock. I backed up and striaghtened my posture, "No."

Matthew Burns, the PRINCE, looked at me dismade. "What did you s-" He was interrupted by Regan.

"Uh... Kelly?" She pointed at the setting sun and I looked at in with horror on my face. I ran to the barred window and screamed in terror. i ran towards the body of Mark, his words echoing through my head, 'At the end of this day, it will be too late...'

"What's the matter with her?" Burns asked no one in particular. i kneeled down by Mark's body, now no hope in returning him. Tears streamed down my face, dripping on his cold and pale face.

"No..." I muttered. I closed my eyes as Burns asked more pointless questions.

"No what?" He asked again. I opened my eyes and shot my head up, eyes black as the universe.

"Shut up." Burnzy grinned and opened his mouth, but before he could utter a word, I screamed at him.

"Just shut up! JUST SHUT UP!!!" The words echoing around the whole prison. I looked at Matthew Burns through my teary eyes when i felt a hand touch my cheek gently.

I blinked and more tears stream down my face when a familiar voice rang in my ears, "Kell?"

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