Jd comes, and he's the miracle.

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"A MIRACLE?!" Shreiked the Master. I rolled my eyes, as we all heard a big thud.

The Master became quiet, "What the hell was that..?" He whispered. I shrugged and crab walked to the entrance. I peeked through a hole inbetween the rocks, before a huge thud knocked me back wards. I feklt the master pat my shoulder, "That was smart." I glared at him, before turning into a wolf.

I growled and ran at the entrnce. We all heard a CRACK! and I staggered back with blood running down from my shoulder, making my red fur coat a little darker. I swayed, "Cool... I'm bleeding.." I barked. I shook my head and faced back to the entrance.

I growled, folded my wings to my sides. I ran to the entrance and, before I hit it, the sunshine filled the cave and I toppled ontop of someone. I shot up the feet as I saw who it is.


I ran behind a tree, poked my head out to glare at Jd.

"What do we have here..?" Jd smirked. I growled as he came to me with a knife.

"Ah, ah ah. Jd, Don't hurt your servant." The Master spoke.

I perked up my ears. "What now..?" I walked up to the Master and sat down infront of him. "I'm HIS servant? Are you SERIOUS?!" I shreiked, changing back into my human form. I spread my wings and walked around as the rest of the group came out.

I shreiked and I felt something pin my wing to the tree. I took the knife out and turned into my wolf form. I growled, making smoke come out of my mouth. I glared at Jd, his knife under my paw.

I barked out cursed. Just barking, like a dog. No words. All the others were smirking, but Jd. I growled low, making the earth shake.

"I will not be your servant." I snapped, lashing my tail.

"Oh, yes you will." Jd smirked as he said this. I looked down at my right paw, and  at the braclet the Master put on me. I growled and snapped my teeth on it.

"Get off, get off, GET OFF!" I muttered. I sat down and glared at the still on braclet. I turned back human and glared at the Master.

My tail lashed as I got up. i walked over to Jd, and, guess what? Slapped him. Right across that face of his.

I grabbed his throat, and threw him to a near-by tree. I would have killed him, but the Master grabbed my arm. I growled and struggled to get away.

"C'mon, We're going." He snapped, as Jd got up.

I turned my head towards him, "Going where, exactly?"

"To a new start, I guess." The Master implyed.

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