A dream and A sercret cave.

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Black paws pounding on the ground. The creature looks back, to see Mark and the Master, Mariah, and Abe also running. They all look scared. The creature looks up to see, a huge wolf, maybe 13ft tall, flying above them.

The creature with black paws, jumps up and looked behind them, to see a huge army of breathing fire dragons, about 15 of them, running after them. None of them has wings, but the leader. Ontop of the leader's head is the King.


I jolted up, to see Mark staring at me intensly.

"What..? Did you have a dream?" Mark asked, still clutching my hand. I nodded and retold the whole thing. Mark jumped up, talking me with him.

We ran out the door and down stairs to find the kid awake, and the others, Mariah and Abe, sitting next to him, with the Master talking with them.

Mark walked me over to the Master and told me to retell the Master. I did and suddenly Regan came in, eating toast. I narrowed my eyes and slapped the toast out of her mouth and burnt it.

"Hey! What the FUCK?" Regan snarled. i smirked and told her my dream. After telling her, we all felt something shake the ground.

Pictures fell from the walls and all the ones standing, Mark, Regan and I, fell. I got up, tail lashing behind me and opened the door.

My tail fell to the floor with a thud as I gaped in awe as a dragon army marched towards us.

I slammed the door and pressed my back to the wood.

"We gotta go. The dream is coming true." I muttered, loud enough for everyone to catch. I looked at the kid and walked towards him.

"Who are you?" I snarled at the blonde haired boy, who was about 13.

"I am James," James spat. "And they're here to kill you all." I picked James up by his shirt and snarled at him, showing his scared eyes my 2 inch long vampire fangs.

I walked to the door, hurled him at the incoming dragons' feet and slammed the door.

I helped the Master get up and ushered everyone to the back door, as soon as a dragon foot crushed the house.

"My house!" Master yelled. I rolled my eyes, turned into a wolf and grew 13 feet tall, about as tall of the dragons. I looked down at the others and said, "Run, guys!" They all obeyed and ran for the woods.

I expanded my claws and lashed at the dragon leader, almost snatching the King.

"You will be mine, Chosen one!!" The king screeched.

I reared up on my back legs and howled, "I will not be anyone's chosen one!!"

I got back down and ran away, Cowardly i know. I spread my wings and took off, blasting fire onto the dragons.

I flew over the others, who were surprisingly, running very fast. I shrank back to my normal size, still in my wolf form; and dropped next to Regan.

We all ran into the woods and came across a cave. "Quick! In here!" I shreiked over the noise of the dragons' crys of war. The others quickly dropped into the cave and I sealed the entrance.

"What do we do now?" Mariah asked, asfter hours of waiting before the dragons left.

I shrugged. "We wait." The Master glared at me,

"For what?" The Master snapped.

I looked at him, "A miracle."


sorry this was stupid. :T I suck at detail... Well, vote, comment, so all that crap... :P I'll update sooooooon! :D BAI.


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