So.... weak...

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i felt my stomach churn as I woke up in a strange white room.

 I looked around and my stomach and heart melted and twisted.

"Mark...? Mariah...? Abe?...." I whispered, but no sound came out. I tired to reach for my throat, but my hands were chained to the wall behind me. I wanted to scream, but I think i did enough of that as I looked at my back.

'ah... I've been whipped...' I look around and my eyes fell on a metal whip by my side. I whimpered and scooted away from the weapon. 'by a metal whip...' I looked at MArk and saw that his face was streaked with tears. 'Wh...' I looked at Mariah and saw her face with tears streaked on her face. adn the same goes for Abe.

'Why...' I never go a chance to think why because of the shock that went through the floor waking up the others. I screamed and water poured on me. I fell to the ground, my hands tied behind my back, soaking wet. "Stupid water..." I whispered hoarsly.

A door opened and I only saw boots. The man - wait, lemme think, the BITCH - came towards me and kicked my face hard with his big huge bigfoot boots. I shreiked and painfully turned my head away.

"Not so tough now?!" The man kicked my back hard, making it bleed more. I cringed. I heard Mark whisper something, but I didnt catch it.

I threw my head back in pain as the man stepped on my tail before walking over to Mark and  the others. i saw the man grab Mark's chin and made Mark look at him. I saw mark's eyes glint with anything else but fear.

That's my man. I smiled but Jd's father saw it and came towards me and I quickly hid my face in my wings.

"Yeah hid you pathetic slave." The man sneered. I stiffened, and managed a few words.

"Dont call me a slave..." I spat at him. The man looked at me, and I looked back at him. He kneel down and whispered a threat in my ear.

"Don't back sass me, Kelly. Or I'll make your life horrible."

"Like I haven't heard tht before!" I spat fire in his eyes and he stumbled back and crashed into the door. I snickered and we all started giggling like psychos. But it didnt last for long. The man stumbled in and grabbed the metal whip. I cringed as he held the whip, ready to strike.

"N-no.. p-please.. d-dont... the whip..." I pleaded. Pathetic right? Me, Kelly, pleading. stupid man broke me... The man kneeled by me, the whip still in his hands.

"I finally broke you, haven't I?" He asked. Big mistake, I didnt answer. he narrowed his eyes and kicked me in the stomach. I squeezed my eyes shut and nodded slightly. I think he grinned as he said this. "Then, I'll release you of this torturing room and into a prison cell, with out food or water."

"I hate water.." I mumbled.

"You do, do ya?" He said.

'that's what I said doofus!' I screamed at him in my thoughts as water poured on me. I coughed up some water. I sat up slowly to let Mr. Bitchface untie the rope that held the chains together.

He yanked me to my feet and slapped me when i didnt stand right. I turned my head away and looked at the ground.

"C'mon walk!" He commanded. I put one foot infront of the other and almost stumbled but caught myself.

I looked back at Mark and Mariah and Abraham. 'I'll be back.'I mouthed to them as the door shut, leaving me alone in a hallway with my new master.


you know what's annoying? Ypo back hurting when Your sitting in this wooden chair for a long time. and it hurts. and you have back prioblems? Well tht's me, So i'm in pain now. well, vate comment and... shit like that x3 bye!


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