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[A/N]: Yoooooooo. Sorry I've not updated in like a century. I've been super busy but here is an update and I promise I'll try and do the next bit asap :) This bits boring but it will get better as things progress. ANYWAYS ENJOY <3

I held the suitcase tighter. I could feel tears welling in the back of my eyes.

Olga cradled Violetta like a small child. Her cheek streaming with tears. This would be the first time Olga would part from Violetta and not know when they would next meet.

Ramallo stood by her side, awaiting his turn to say goodbye, despite being the person who would get us to the airport.

Violetta had tears rolling down her cheeks as she finally pulled herself from Olga's grip.

"I'm not gone forever. I'll be back soon enough, you'll see."

Violetta sounded hopeful, like she needed to believe it, but didn't.

Olga reluctantly stepped back and Ramallo had the attention turned to him.

He presented Violetta with a black case.

"It's got the work computer on it. Just click on the remaning application and it will refer you to the code page. You'll find him."

Violetta took it, holding it lightly.

"I won't find him, because I'm not looking. I realised yesterday, that he knows where I am if he wants me back."

My eyes went wide as Violetta pushed the case back at him and Ramallo looked startled.

"You, I-" Ramallo turned to me," Angie?"

I stepped forward and held out my hand, "I want it. I'm sending him back where he belongs."

Ramallo nodded, passing it to me and I gripped it protectively.

He then turned to Violetta and simply opened his arms. Instantly,like a child, she ran into him and wrapped her arms around him.

She needed every hug she got.

After a moment she pulled back and looked to me.

I nodded and Ramallo headed for the door.

Goodbye Family.

And David? I would never get a goodbye and I didn't know if that was better.

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