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I walked Violetta back to her house so she could begin collecting some things. I'd only brought a few outfits so my packing wasn't going to take too long.

"So if you start organising everything you need, I'll go grab my stuff from the apartment. Remember to pack everything you want with you. It doesn't matter if we have to pay extra for baggage." I said as we entered through the door.

"What about Mum's stuff though Angie? I don't want to leave it here."

I shrugged, "Look we'll take the stuff from there that is vital. Like your mom's diary, her perfume, maybe those pyjamas you like and I'll get Olga and Ramallo to make sure the rest is well cared for."

We were talking in the foyer and saw no one else around except for David, who was sat on the sofa.

Violetta sighed, "Okay. I just don't like leaving it now I know it's here."

I hugged her.

"I know. Me neither, but you'll get it all as soon as possible."

Violetta nodded and glanced quickly at David, "Take your time with your packing Angie. Make sure you've got everything you need before we leave."

I nodded and she shot upstairs to get ready.

I knew what she meant.

German was right. Violetta knows my feelings better then I do. Just like she knew German's.

Once she'd vanished into her room I turned to David.

"No one else here?" I prompted.

David shook his head.

"Everyone went home to change, so I was left here to watch over the place."

David himself had not yet had time to change clearly as he was still wearing his tux. Well, most of it. He no longer wore the blazer, so his white shirt clung to his muscles visibly.

"Well I'm going to the apartment to collect my stuff." I said with a small smile, "Vilu shouldn't be a bother."

David stood up and shrugged, "Well she won't ask for my help anyway, she doesn't trust any of us."

I sighed, "How circumstances change things eh?"

David ran his fingers through his hair and smiled weakly, "Yeah."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

The situation was incredibly tense and I didn't know why.

"Look, I could use some help and if you're not-"

David cut me off, "I'll help."

I smiled and he smiled back, causing me to melt.

"Well then let's get going." I said pulling open the door.

David quickly joined me at my side and we began to walk to the apartment. It was only around the corner and on our short journey, instead of talking, we stole glances at one another.

His eyes flicked to me and mine to him. Occasionally our eyes met and both of us turned away. The tension was building.

When we arrived, David signalled for me to go first and I slipped past him, brushing against his arm accidentally. I pulled the key from my trouser pocket and fumbled to get it in the lock. My hand was unsteady, impatient, excited.

The door swung open and I stepped in, immediately I turned and David was inches from me, the door now shut.

"I'm not ready for this." he breathed, inches from me.

"Ready for what." I gulped, anxious.

He cupped my cheek in his hand and his touch was soft.

"I'm not ready to say goodbye, not yet."

I sighed, "Me neither, I just-"

David cut me off, "But I have to. So you're going to have to be quiet. Because I can't kiss you if you're talking."

I smiled and he leaned in.

His lips touched mine and a dance had begun. They moved as one in perfect harmony and the taste of fading mint tapped on my tastebuds. His lips were smooth, but his kiss rough and I craved the sensation again, when his lips left mine.

He continued to hold my face in his hands and I could see his eyes brimming with tears.

"I don't want you to go."

I smiled weakly, "I don't want to either."

I gulped, "But I have to."

He twirled my hair in his fingers, "I know, I just, it would be mad to think I could just come with you."

I smiled, "No, no it wouldn't. I would love you too."

"You mean you'd have me?"

His eye's sparkled.

I nodded, "Of course I would, but you have to think. If you run off with Violetta and I, your family won't be happy."

He released his grip and moved to take my hands.

"So what do I do, which means you'll let me in?"

I dipped my head, "You say goodbye to me whenever it comes now and then, then when all of this is done, come for me."

David lifted my chin, "I'll come for you."

I smiled, "You will?"

He nodded, before leaning in to kiss me again.

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