Family Help

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When the wedding breakfast was over, I found myself sneaking back into the kitchen looking for more cake. I would have also settled for the cook to make me more or even the recipe for the cake.

Unfortunatly, all I got was a face full of David.

"Hey princess what are you doing back here? Came to help did you?" he said cheekily.

"Number one David, don't call me princess and number two, my business is top secret."

"Aww I'm sorry princess did I interrupt your plotting to steal German away?" he said, obviously trying to annoy me.

"No, no. The planning for that doesn't start until after I've planned world domination and unfortunatley it's taking longer then previously intended."

David laughed and dipped his hands back into the soapy water.

"Well then, what are you doing?" he said as he scrubbed a dish.

"I'm looking for cake, if you must know. Seen any?"

"Indeed I have, we just gave it to the workers." he said titling his head towards the staff room door.

"Didn't you think to offer people some more first?" I said frustrated.

"See, this is why I call you princess, princess."

I glared at him, "Well servant boy, enjoy the chores, didn't my brother-in-law hire enough staff?"

He laughed, "No they did, but we have a family tradition. Someone helps out the staff at each wedding by doing some dishes by hand. It shows our appreciation."

I couldn't help but smile, it was a sweet gesture.

"So how come it's you? Get the short straw?" I asked leaning against the counter.

"No. I volunteered."

I sighed, "You are too nice."

He laughed, "I like doing it. It's a lot of fun."

"Well if it's fun, why wasn't I invited? Pass me some dishes."

I took a pile of dishes and began to wash them and listened to David.

"I did the dishes at my other sister's wedding too, so I wanted to do Annalise's naturally. It's been in our family for years, it's really sweet you know, this kind of gesture. Maybe princess, even on our wedding day I'll do the dishes."

He was looking at me with a smirk plastered across his face.

I got some bubbles from the dishes on my hand and held it in place.

"We'll never get married. Royalty don't date servants." I said as I lifted the bubbles and blew them in his face.

David pushed them from his face and gagged a little, hinting that some had got in his mouth, before turning to face me.

"Well, princess, I am determined to change your mind."

"Ah, but only the boldest knight in the land can gain my hand in marriage. Are you David of the dishes a worthy successor to the throne?"

David took my hand and bowed his head.

"I should hope I am."

He kissed my hand but quickly pulled back and gagged.

"Dish soap!" he cried disgusted.

I still had the cleaning fluids on my hands.

He floundered around the kitchen like a bird on fire and I was in hysterics. My laughter must have got louder because a moment later Annalise, German and her parents came through the door.

It must have been quite a sight, David scrubbing his tongue and me gasping for breath.

"What is going on here!" cried her mother, who was dressed entirely in the most hideous shade of pastel green.

David couldn't speak as he scrubbed his tongue so between laughter I attempted to explain.

"He...." I cried, hysterical.

Annalise and her father allowed a smile to creep onto their faces.

Her mother continued to stare at me with hatred in her eyes.

German had his eyes on the ground.

Attending his WeddingWhere stories live. Discover now