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I lingered at the door for just a moment whilst David closed the car. Despite this being a place I have always been accepted, been allowed, I suddenly felt very cautious.

David came up behind me and stopped.

"You going in?"

I shook my head, "Not first, I'm not."

David sighs, "Understandable."

He took the lead and opened the door and I followed behind him reluctantly.

I need not be in a room full of people who hate me.

Yet, here I was.

I entered the room to find the one I had assumed was David's brother yesterday, Annalise and Her parents.

Everyone else was still dressed in yesterday's clothes, that was everyone except Annalise, who was wearing pyjamas.

I could see her gown shoved in the corner, a place she couldn't see it from where she was sat.

Every conversation had ceased.

"David, I don't think now is the best time." quipped his Mother first, still dressed in her horrid pastel green dress.

"There won't be a best time Mother." He replied calmly, "So the sooner this is sorted the better."

I gripped my bag, which David had returned to me, firmly in my hand as I dared speak up.

"Where's Vilu?"

Annalise kept her head down, refusing to look at me.

The other man, who I continued to assume was her brother as well, was the one who spoke next.

"She's upstairs. She's been locked in the attic for hours."

I nodded. Her father had ran, so she turned to her mother for support.

"I'm going to see her then." I said gently, dropping my bag on the side, "But I'll go grab some stuff for her first."

David turned to me, "Need any help?"

I shook my head, "I've got this."

He nodded back and I instantly went into the kitchen. I collected an apple and dropped two slices of bread into the toaster. Grabbing a tray, I placed the apple in the corner and put a plate down for the toast, before pouring a glass of orange juice for her.

The toast was completed a moment after and I spread on some butter quickly. Everything had been eerily quiet, but now I heard something.

"She didn't do it deliberately!" I heard David say, agitated.

"She stole my husband David!"

That's Annalise's voice.

"And I was there Anna. She Ran. She knew it was wrong. It wasn't her fault."

I tried to stay quiet, so I could hear every word.

Next came the rasping voice of her mother.

"She's jailbait David. Don't fall for it. She obviously intended it to happen. We'll check her phone when she goes upstairs, then you'll see."

David jumped in, "You can't do that!"

His Mother bit back, "Why not? Afraid of seeing the truth?"

"It's an invasion of privacy." he threw back.

I didn't need to hear anymore.

I waltzed out the kitchen with the tray and headed for my bag.

Everyone had gone silent.

I slipped my phone from out of it and walked to the sofa where Annalise sat.

I threw it against the sofa so it fell beside her.

"You want to look then have a look. The password is Violetta's birthday. Have fun snooping around my phone, I think if you check my history, you'll see the last thing I did was days ago and if you want my computer too, I can bring it down. The last thing I did was try to book a plane ticket home after your idiotic husband decided to make me the villian in all of this."

Annalise looked me in the eye. I couldn't decipher what she was thinking.

"Go on. Knock yourself out."

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