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"You may now kiss the bride."

German leaned in and kissed Annalise gently in front of everyone. It led everyone to clap and let out aww's. I clapped politely and I found a smile coming to my face, it had been a lovely service. The two of them were on their way out when Violetta grabbed my arm.

"So they will take some plain photos of them exiting, then we have to go and throw the confetti, come on!" she said as she dragged me up the aisle and towards the door.

Everyone else seemed to be aware of this too as they began to pile out excitedly.

It occured to me that Annalise's family was huge whereas there were very few of us here for German. All of Annalise's side was full with close family and even friends who seemed to look more like her than I do my mother and sister.

Only Violetta was related to German by blood now. I was also related in a way, by marriage, even though I'm not sure if that counted anymore. Ramallo and Olga are basically family too as they've been with them for so long, but in all honesty German didn't really have family.

At least, I suppose, he's married into a huge family, so now he will have plenty more relatives to keep secrets from.

Gosh, even when I'm trying to be nice I'm turning bitter. I am happy for him, but I'm hating how I seem to be the one who is the enemy in all of this, when I have no intention of doing anything, so it helps me to think about why he is the enemy I suppose.

My head and heart are so messed up.

Wonder who's fault that is.

We arrived outside and everyone was ready to throw confetti. Violetta had some but I had no idea where from and as the confetti throwing commenced, I was lost.

Since we were so close, confetti was also falling on my head and when I realised a lot more of it was falling on me, I turned around to face the culprit. It was that man who was speaking about me in the church. I suddenly wished I could remember his name, what had German said it was again?

"What do you think you're doing?" I said as yet more confetti fell on me.

"Proving how hard it is to throw these things I suppose, I mean basketballs are fine, but these things are horrific." he said laughing.

"No kidding. You seem incapable of throwing them where they are supposed to go." I said smiling at his boyish foolishness.

"Sorry, but in my defence you were an obstructing the target and it seems without reason. Where's your confetti?" he said signalling at my empty hands.

"I wasn't aware this was happening. I arrived yesterday and no one has told me a thing." I replied as I tried to figure him out.

"Well you've got eyes haven't you?" he said laughing.

"Last time I checked, yes."

"There was a table of confetti indoors, you were supposed to take some before the ceremony." He said, this time deliberately blowing the confetti at me.

"Well I may need to check I still have eyes then because I didn't see any."

He laughed and when he did his head tipped back a little.

"Here, I grabbed like twenty boxes because my family is huge and I knew everyone would want some, but my brother had the same idea and beat me too it, so I've loads to spare."

He reached for one of the confetti boxes in his pocket and handed me one. He wasn't kidding, there were loads and it suddenly occured to me how big they made mens pockets.

No wonder they don't need bags.

I took the confetti and as I was opening it he said, "Now, let's see if your aim is better than mine, if you're gonna' yell at me, you've gotta' prove you can do better first."

I smiled at him and laughed too, "Oh you are on."

He smiled and we raced around to find some gaps as we each threw confetti as violently and accuratley as we could. Within a second, I needed more. He tossed me a few more boxes and our challenge continued. It was immensely strange but I loved it and as I threw confetti in the air I watched his smile broaden and felt happy myself.

It was an adventure and I felt like I did when I was eleven at German and Maria's wedding and I got to throw confetti everywhere. Maria even lifted me up so I could throw it directly over German's head.

That's when I got an idea.

I grabbed my competitor by the arm.

"At German's last wedding, I chucked confetti directly over his head, I have to do it again."

The man smiled, "Tell you what, I'll do it to my sister whilst you do it to German."

I nodded and we set off. Once we'd snuck around, he looked to me for support.

I winked at him and then mouthed, "Three...Two... One.."

Before shouting, "NOW!"

In an instant both of us dropped lots of confetti on the happy couple, on our siblings.

In all honesty I didn't realise he was the bride's sister until the confetti fell on her.

She began laughing and punched her brother in a freindly way. He winked at me and I couldn't help but smile.

I looked at German and he seemed empty.

"Just like last time eh?" I said smiling, "Maria would have loved to see that."

German smiled weakly.

"It's nice to remember how things used to be when things like this come along." I said rubbing his arm, "Maria would be happy for you, we're all happy for you."

German didn't answer me so I just stepped back. The man was definately out of it.

Attending his WeddingWhere stories live. Discover now