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I told you one update a week but this is being updated today for my twin!

meg200013 is 14 today!! Happy birthday twin! I am updating just cause it's her birthday! So wish her happy birthday ;) Hope you enjoy...


I arrived at his house fairly quickly as I was only staying around the corner. Stepping onto the drive felt surreal and I was overcome with the emotions I felt the first day I stepped foot here looking for Violetta.

Yet today, I saw these emotions as the old me and realised that since then, I'd come so far. That I could briskly lose these feelings, because today was a new day, because the sun was shining and because my heart couldn't be broken so easily.

I knocked on the door softly and I heard some talking inside. I was left standing in my spot for a moment before the door finally opened.

German was at the door with his tie falling around his neck.

I smiled polietly at him, waiting to be invited in, but he just stood there paralysed.

His face was as white as a ghost too.

"I take it you're nervous for the wedding! Gosh, German you look like you've seen a ghost!" I said laughing to lighten the mood.

German didn't laugh.

He struggled to speak.


He opened his mouth, practising what to say.

I was getting impatient and was about to look around the door when he said it.


I shot my head towards him.

"My Maria?"

Wait. Oh God no. Did he think I was Maria?

"German, maybe we should go inside and get you a drink, you're nervous that's all."

I was about to walk around him when he pulled me back and into his arms. I was pulled into a tight hug and the door swung open so we were in full view of everyone.

"You're back." he said, his voice filled with love and his eyes brimming with tears.

"German, you're obviously nervous and you've got confused, I'm-"

He cut me off, "My Maria."

I looked behind me to see Ramallo and Olga watching us nervously.

"Can you help me?" I pleaded to them.

"Miss Angie, you, you do look an awful lot like her." stuttered Olga nervously.

Just then German put me down and to keep some distance between us I put my hand on his chest.

He just took my hand and pressed it against his heart.

Had he gone mad?

"German, I..."

Just then I realised he was getting closer, he was going to kiss me.

I put my hand to his mouth to block the kiss. It didn't stop him though, he just passionately kissed my hand.

I was running out of options. Ramallo and Olga were useless and German was crazy. I had to get Violetta.

"Hey, Vilu, I'm hereeee!!" I yelled as loud as I could, with my mouth as far away from German's as possible.

"ANGIEE!" She cried as she came bounding down the stairs.

When German heard this he pulled back.

"Where's Angie?" he said suddenly sounding panicked.

"Right in front of you German." said Ramallo.

German did a double take before backing away, "Excuse me."

I shook my head and as I did Violetta landed on me, pulling me into a huge hug.

"Angie, I missed you! You look amazing!" she said happily.

"Thanks Vilu, I missed you too." I said smoothing her hair down.

"And excuse me but I have some questions." she says suddenly eager.

"Number one, where is your plus one?" she said dragging me over to the couch.

"My plus one is non-existant because he turned out to be an idiot. I'll elaborate on that later." I said laughing.

"Okay! Number two, what happened to your hair?" she says staring at it in awe.

"Also the fault of that idiot. Never again will a man persuade how I look but addmitadley, it wasn't the worse thing he did."

Violetta laughed, "I love it though! You look just like my mom! Wait until dad sees, I can't wait to see how he will react."

Olga let out a nervous laugh.

"I don't know." I said with a shrug, "Anyway, I like it now so I might keep it and why we are on the topic of hair, I notice you are officially blond."

Violetta tugged at a curl, "Yes and loving it."

I laughed, "Well, it seems we've switched hairstyles."

"Apparently we've also switched love lives. Here's me and Leon going strong with no issues for two years and how many boyfriends have you had now?" Violetta said it really cheekily and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Do they still count as a boyfriend if I didn't know their name?" I said, even though that had never happened.

"Yes!" she said laughing.

"Okay then." I said pretending to count to a huge number, "Officially seven boyfriends in two years."

"I see you get around, silly me for sticking with one huh?"

My head shot upwards to find German there, he had said the remark.

"No, not nessicarily, if you find the person who is meant for you then it doesn't matter how many you've dated before. It just so happens that my love life turned out to be a distaster and every man that's ever kissed me has ended up a dissapointment."

German stared at me, his eyes lost of all emotion, "Hopefully the next one won't dissapoint you then."

The way he spoke was cold.

Then I remembered that he kissed me and even though that wasn't aimed at him, he thought it was.

I didn't care though.  

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