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I sat beside Violetta awaiting our numerous guests who had all agreed to meet us in the park. She sat scribbling in her diary whilst I just soaked in the serenity.

Life was changing.

Pablo, Olga and Ramallo had all agreed to come and see us. They know it could be goodbye, although it's not certain.

To think that yesterday, I was my unbreakable new self, ready to accept a new family and move on and now, I'm a broken shadow, who fights against in-law's and is moving away. That's the difference German makes.

Not to long after, I heard his voice.

"Angie, Vilu?" called Pablo as he jogged towards us.

I stood up to greet my friend and he took me in his arms, in a bear hug.

"It's so great to see you." he said, pushing a strand of hair from my face with a smile.

"It's lovely seeing you too Pablo." I said smiling.

"What happened to you staying for a while though." he said dissapointed.

"German happened." I said with a sigh, "It's a long story, but in short, he's gone so Violetta's coming back with me."

Pablo's face dropped, "Why don't you just stay here then?"

I shook my head, "German will have to come back here to fix his problems and neither me or Vilu want to be caught up in it."

Pablo's gaze dropped, "Oh don't tell me he left another one at the altar?"

I let out a small laugh, "Oh I wish. He left her after the wedding."

Pablo looked up, "He did what?"

I sighed, "Tell me about it. I don't under-"

I was cut off by Olga running towards us.

"My Darlingggggsssssssss." she cried.

Violetta appeared next to me ready to greet Olga and when Pablo stepped back, she came flying at us, taking us both into her embrace.

"My dears. I know this is difficult for you both, but I need you to know that I'm here for you, I even got Ramallo-" she paused, "Ramallo? Where's he gone?"

A moment later, Ramallo came jogging round the corner.

"Olga, you took off! I told you there was no need to run!" he cried, panting like an old dog.

Olga just tutted and turned back to us, "So as I was saying I got Ramallo to track Mr German down!"

Ramallo was now just behind her, "You did no such thing! I was the one who thought to do that!"

Olga rolled her eyes, "Details Ramallo. Just explain the techy bits."

Ramallo pushed his glasses up slightly, "Well I tracked Mr German's credit card as I have access to his accounts with his password. Yesterday he paid for a last minute flight which sent him to Brazil. It was the last plane of the day though and he was desperate so jumped on it. This morning another two payments were made. One for a ticket to Barcelona that leaves in around an hour and another for in a weeks time to Madrid. He's moving faster alone then he did with Violetta all these years."

I sighed, "Well keep tracking his accounts, we'll use it to get to him."

Violetta nodded, "If he knows we're on to him, he'll have to return."

Ramallo sighed, "Unfortunately, he already knows. A certain person decided to phone him and tell him we knew where his was."

All our gazes were redirected to Olga.

"Well Mr German deserved me yelling at him, I mean look what he did!" cried Olga defensively.

I sighed.

Ramallo continued, "So he's cut me off, changed the password."

I sighed, "Is there anyway we can get back in?"

Ramallo considered, "You'd need to figure out the new 6 digit number code. I could give you the netbook I use to do it on."

I smiled and Violetta jumped in.

"Dad will have used a date. He always uses dates that are important to him. We can go through my diary and try and find something."

I nodded and Ramallo smiled, "Well, when shall I get you the netbook by? Are you... you leaving yet?"

I smiled slightly, "Not yet. Both of us need to pack our stuff and some of Maria's. We can't leave until at least tomorrow. You'll see us again."

Everyone nodded and then Pablo spoke again, "But what's the plan, if you find him."

I sighed, "Well we'll see if we can find him first."

Attending his WeddingWhere stories live. Discover now