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Everyone stood there in silence.

When my phone had smashed against the wall, all noise ceased.

It had not come back, even some minutes later.

I had to break the silence, for no one else would.

"I'm going to need a new phone now." I said rolling my eyes. It was brand new, my prized possession and now it was in a a heap on the floor.

Violetta spoke next.

"I'm going to go start packing." said Violetta sighing.

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"What do you mean?" said Annalise from behind me.

Violetta turned to face her.

"Well, Dad won't be coming back so I'm going to live with Angie."

Annalise walked towards her.

"But Vilu, what about our team? We were gonna stick together, us two girls."

Violetta sighed and looked towards me. She knew that would hurt and it did, but not so much, because I could tell what Violetta would say next.

"Well Angie's Family, She-"

Annalise cut her off, "I'm your family now."

Violetta sighed, "Please don't make this harder then it needs to be. My dad is not here, he is what brings you into my life, nothing else. I'm moving in with Angie."

Annalise was furious, "No! You can't! I shall not allow you to! What connects you to her and not to me? You should stay with me, I'm your mother now!"

Violetta's eyes flickered with anger. She had crossed the line.

"You have no power over me!" she cried, "Only my parents do and you are not my mother! My mother is still living on, inside my heart and in Angie's. That is why she has more rights then you, because she connects me to my parents, the ones that are important. She allows me to know my mom and you know what, she has my father's heart too."

Violetta said the words no one should say. That her father doesn't love Annalise.

Annalise held up her hand.

My eyes went wide.

"You dare strike her and you'll regret it." I hissed, inches behind her.

She turned to me and dropped her hand.

"Just take her then."

She turned back to Violetta.

"Go. Go then." she cried, delirious, "You've turned into a brat anyway since she's turned up. I don't need a pathetic little girl in my life."

Violetta stared at her and I knew she was considering attacking her, admittedly I was too.

"Violetta," I breathed, "Just go and get ready. We'll go out this morning and we can start packing when we return. There is no need to rush."

Violetta nodded, "Where we going?"

I shrugged, "We could go see Pablo. Anything really I suppose, but we will definitely go and tell Ramallo and Olga that you're coming with me."

Violetta nodded, "I'll be ready in ten minutes."

I smiled and she shot up the stairs. Then, once I was sure her door was closed I turned to Annalise.

"I don't care how hurt you are. You ever, ever, do anything like that again to Violetta and I swear I will tear you apart."

Annalise had her arms crossed, "Well I don't care who you think you are, but if I find out that you are off with my husband, I'll tear you apart, in front of Violetta."

I laughed, "If I even so much as see your husband, I intend on gouging his eyes out and sending him back to you. Don't kid yourself."

Annalise gulped visibly.

"And by the way, I thought you were nice, but you've turned into a real psychotic bitch. If you'd control yourself, we could begin sorting things out like adults."

No one said a word, everyone watched, enchanted.

"Pull yourself together."

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