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[A/N: Super Glad most of you like David, I love him too...]

"Will you let go of me?" I cried frustrated as German dragged me away from the party.

"Not until you agree to speak to me." He said sternly as he marched forward, dragging me along.

"Fine!" I cried, "I'll speak with you just let me go!"

He was too strong for me to force myself free so I had to be clever, I had to trick him.

"Just a few more metres then I'll stop." He said, walking ahead with determination.

I stumbled behind him rather annoyed and looked around to decide where to run. I needed the easiest route as my heels would not handle too much distance.

"Okay," says German dropping my wrist and turning to face me.

"Now we can talk."

I snatched my wrist back and rubbed it. He'd clutched it too violently and a red mark had appeared.

"Is this all really necessary?" I said gently running my fingers along the mark.

"Yes because I need to talk to you and you are ignoring me." He said coldly.

"I'm doing it to help you, you idiot! What is everyone going to think?"

German sighed and showed his  emotions for the first time since snatching me away.

He looked lost. Sad. Heartbroken.

He looked like me.

"Angie, I don't care what anyone thinks. I need you to hear me out."

I sighed. All I ever wanted was for German to hear me out when I was like this.

"I'm listening."

All of my plans to bolt had faded. He needed me to listen and after everything, I had to.

"Angie, I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want to marry Annalise."

I was shocked. What could I say to that.

"I did it because I know I need to move on. I did it because I didn't need Violetta worrying."

I remained silent.

"She knew the way I felt more then I did."

"She knew I loved you even though I didn't."

My heart was beating out of my chest

"German, I-"

He cut me off.

"So what did I do? I tried to replace you, just like I've always done, instead of coming to find you and facing the truth."

I was being choked.

"Angie, I love you."

I needed air.

So I ran.

I ran as fast as my heels could carry me.

I ran nowhere.

I just ran.

Tears began to stream down my face and I couldn't stop them.

He couldn't care about me. I can't care about him.

My legs gave way.

I couldn't keep going so I dropped to my knees.

Tears were blurring my vision and I didn't know who was pulling me to my feet.

"No, no." I cried, "Don't say it."

My tears were wiped from my cheeks and I could finally see German in front of me.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He Said pulling me closer.

"Don't do this." I said trying to stop the sobbing.

"Give me one more moment Angie, then I promise, I'll let you go. I'll let you go."

Tears were forming in his eyes and he too was crying.

"Don't do this German. Don't break me."

German tucked a strand of hair behind my ear before kissing me.

I told him not to. I didn't want to be broken again.

Yet when his lips touched mine I surrendered. I knew it would kill me. I knew it. Yet I let him, because that one small part of me that still ached for his touch won the moment he told me he loved me.

When the kiss ended, German stroked the edge of my face.

"Just say the words." He whispered.

I had just two options.

Love him or leave him.

My heart told me one thing but my mind won.

I refuse to be a home-wrecker.

"Leave me be German."

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