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I stepped into Violetta's room to find her tearing her wardrobe apart.

"Hey Vilu, how are you doing?" I asked, sitting on the bed.

Violetta sighed, "I just hate having to pull them all out and then fold them to try and get them in something else!"

I smiled, "I've got you, pass some over."

Violetta threw three dresses in my direction and I began folding them, so we could fit as much in her suitcase as possible. For a while we sat in silence trying to pack, dwelling over our own issues with the situation.

Then I realised that the case was growing more full and that we still had clothes to get through, never mind other possessions.

"You'll need another suitcase for photos and things like that you want bringing. Are there any spares?"

Violetta stopped to think, "I know Dad keeps all the suitcases in this huge cupboard in his room. There is probably loads on the shelf at the top. I'll go fetch them."

I smiled, "No need, keep choosing clothes, I'll go grab some."

Violetta nodded and referred back to her previous fashion challenge.

I left the door slightly ajar and made my way to German's room.

When I entered, I saw it remained the same as it had before. I'd have thought that Annalise would have cause it to change a little, yet here it was in the same way German has always had it.

The large cupboard was just beside the bed and I made my way over lost in thought of German and Annalise lying beside one another on it and I felt strangely sick.

I slung open the doors, making sure it covered my view of the bed and as Violetta had said, saw a number of suitcases sitting along the top. I pulled out the largest one at the front as I figured we would need a larger one with how much Violetta wished to bring.

Pulling it down, I glimpsed at a small pink bag slotted in the back. Curiosity got the better of me and after placing the large one by my side, I reached into the cupboard and grabbed the small pink one, which was surprisingly heavy.

When it was in my hand, I saw that it was a princess suitcase, one I expect Violetta had when she was younger. A tag on the zip confirmed my prediction, with Violetta's name scribbled in purple pen, probably by my neice herself when she was young.

Instintively I dropped the suitcase on the bed and began to unzip it, as it was surprisingly heavy. I fascianted about what jewel of Violetta's childhood was hidden within, yet when it was opened, I saw it only contained a number of small pocket diaries, all ranging from 1994, the year German and my sister had married.

I took out the 1994 one and opened it to see German's scribbly handwriting.

'Jan 1 - Brought my tux for the wedding.'

I flicked through the pages and I could see he had noted down one important thing for each day.

'Feb 2 - Angeles' birthday, I got her a bracelet that matched Maria's on her behalf as Maria was too busy to get it'

'Mar 6- My beautiful fiancee sung like an angel at her last concert of th tour.'

'Jun 19- My beautiful fiancee is now my beautiful wife.'

'Sep 13- I'm going to be a dad.'

'Dec 24- The Baby kicked.'

I stopped flicking and looked down. Twenty years worth of pocket diaries, all filled with one important memory each day. Violetta was right. German did find certain dates important.

I slotted the oldest one back and flicked through them, looking for 2012.

When I found it I flicked it to the September. Looking for the day I arrived. Then I saw it.

'Sep 26- Angie moved in today, Violetta's new governess'

I flicked through the next few and saw my name again and again.

'Oct 12 - Caramel Apples with Angie'

'Nov 2- Angie visited Maria too.'

'Nov 9- She went on a date with Pablo.'

'Nov 27- I love Angie.'

I closed the book and slid it back in place. We'd need these to figure out the password. Yet I also needed them, to see why he did everything he did.

In one final private peek, I slipped out the most recent one and looked for yesterday's date.

'Jun 23- Angie's coming'

Not one mention of his wedding to Annalise, only of my return.

A tear slipped from my eye but a smile came to my face.

Attending his WeddingWhere stories live. Discover now