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After I finally regained my breath from all the laughing, I made my way to the bar to grab a drink. I had tired myself out with all the laughing and was quite happy to sit alone for a while and get my energy back yet it seemed that wasn't the plan.

A few moments after I took my seat, Annalise arrived at my side. In all honesty I'd never met her before and I only knew it was her because of the wedding dress.

"Hey, David asked me to tell you that you've poisoned him and that you owe him a dance when he returns." she said happily as she took a seat.

"It was not my fault at all so he's no chance." I said laughing as I took another sip of my drink.

"You can tell him when he returns, I've still got loads of people to see but I'm exausted." she said as she asked for a drink.

"I bet you are exausted, I'm tired just from laughing so I bet you're virtually sleep walking." I said laughing.

"All I want to do is sleep you've no idea. It's a good job we don't leave until tomorrow afternoon for the honeymoon because I'll be asleep all morning."

She laughed but it quickly faded away.

"Hey, look, I don't wanna say anything I'll regret but I just wanna make sure you're okay with this."

I smiled, "You're joking right? Why wouldn't I be? My sister loved German and I know that she'd want him to be happy. If you make him happy, then why should I say anything against it?"

Annalise smiled slightly, "Yeah but what about you and German. Don't you hate me for taking him away?"

I leaned in and hugged her, speaking quietly into her ear, "Annalise, someone else took him from me. Made him someone I didn't know. You've brought the real him back, something I couldn't do. Something I didn't do. You didn't take him away, you've brought him back."

Some of what I said was the truth. Someone else did take him away from me. The lie? That she'd brought him back, because he was totally out of it.

Annalise squeezed me gently to seal the hug.

"You don't love him?" she asked worried.

"If I did, one, I wouldn't have left, or two, I wouldn't have come, but most of all, if I did, why would I be here comforting you?"

Annalise laughed and stepped back.

"Good point."

I smiled, "I love German, but not in the way you do. I love him because he is family and that's all."

Annalise sighed, "That's a great relief, not only for me but for David, I swear you've put a spell on him."

I laughed, "Your brother is sweet. Not like anyone I've met in a while."

"And you know, you're not like anyone I've met in a while too." she said smiling.

"I hope that's in a good way." I said smiling.

"Yes, it's definately a good thing. You are exactly the opposite of what everyone says, yet you don't go and tell everyone, you just keep to yourself. I wouldn't be able to do that. Violetta told me about you but not one thing she said actually explained how amazing you are. I'm so happy we're sisters."

Annalise leaned in and hugged me again and my heart broke.

The last woman German married was my actual sister and now his new wife considered me a sister too.

"Me too."

A single tear slipped down my face and when I looked up after it had fallen, I saw German across the room.

He didn't speak, but his eyes told me exactly what he had to say.

Attending his WeddingWhere stories live. Discover now