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After Annalise had left, I composed myself and finished my drink. She was only being polite, she wasn't trying to replace my sister.

I had another drink alone and watched as German and Annalise shared their first dance. It was lovely and everyone applauded. At German's last real wedding, where he actually got married, my sister included me in the dance too.

I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that I couldn't dance with my sister. She always made me feel like the centre of attention. Even after Violetta was born, she made me feel like the most important person in the world. She had a magic touch, one I've never been able to master.

As I allowed myself to daydream about having my sister back, to dance with me and Violetta, a figure arrived before me.

"You owe me a dance." said David with a smile upon his face.

I shook my head, "No I don't. It was your own fault."

David laughed, "Well if you won't dance with me for that reason, what other excuse can I use to get you to dance with me?"

I stood up and fluffed his hair at the top.

"You could just be honest and tell me why you want to dance."

David sighed, "Your gonna make me do it aren't you. There is no other way you'll dance with me is there?"

I smiled, "Nope."

"Okay then. Well..." David released a long breath, "I'd like to dance with you because I've never ever stood a chance with someone so beautiful and maybe, when we dance, you'll find there is a little more to me."

I took his hand and dragged him towards the dancefloor. He was stupidly sweet.

"Gosh david, you could have just said you're trying to get me into bed."

David laughed and followed me, gripping my hand, "Yeah but that doesn't make me sound like a gentleman."

I turned around and he pulled me close so we could dance.

"Oh, so you're a gentleman now?" I teased.

"Maybe, but one thing I do know, is that I need to make you like me so you'll see me again."

I laughed, "You made me like you a few hours ago David. No worries."

David smiled and pulled me closer, so I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Well then, it gives me permission to hold you a little closer then."

I smiled and he returned mine with a huge grin.

"So tell me, what in the world made you set on impressing me?" I said as we danced.

"An eaiser question would be what put me off. If it's not one of the two reasons, then it's a reason to impress you." he said with a smirk across his face.

"What are these two reasons then? You can't tease me like this." I said shaking my head.

"I'm teasing you? Oh no, you're the one teasing here."

I smirked, "How am I teasing you?"

David let out a laugh, "Because you are three inches from me and you are wearing the reddest lipstick I've ever seen. I've never wanted to kiss someone more then I do right now. You miss, are the one who is teasing."

I smiled, "Well give me your two reasons and then I won't tease you anymore."

David shook his head, "I don't believe you."

I leaned in closer so we were just an inch apart.

"Believe me."

David's breathing was heavy and I knew he was surrendering.

"One- I was put off because you try to poison people." he said, struggling to breathe.

I laughed and my head tilted back, "Okay, and the other?"

David looked worried, "Don't hate me but..."

He didn't speak for a moment, "Because I thought you might still care for German. But now I see that's stupid, so I suppose I only have one reason."

I shook my head, "Actually you have none. It's your fault you ate dish soap."

David laughed, "True, but you said all I'd have to do is tell you, then you'd stop teasing."

"True." I said, "Ready?"

David held onto his breath, as he did, a voice came from behind.

"Sorry David, can I borrow Angie?"

David stepped back, to let German forward, he looked dissapointed.

I quickly jumped next to him and whispered in his ear.

"I don't break promises."

He smiled and as he did I quickly kissed him on the cheek, leaving a mark from my lipstick.

David smiled, "I'll wait for you at the bar."

I nodded and with that he was gone. I was left with German.

"So, you wanted to dance?" I said offering my hand.

German took it slowly and we began to dance.

He didn't say anything so I started the conversation.

"This is a lovely wedding German. I'm actually really glad you asked me to dance, it reminds me of Maria you know?"


"I think Annalise is lovely. Definately the nicest person you've been with, she said we could be sisters and-"

German cut me off.

"We need to talk."

"We are talking." I said slightly confused.

"No, we need to talk privately."

I shook my head, "I don't think that's advisable, no one trusts me and-"

He cut me off again.

"Not important. At ten o clock meet me in the gardens. We need  to talk."

"German, I-"

"It's in 15 minutes Angie, can't you hear me out for once?" said German rather sternly.

I released myself from his grip, in an instant he'd ruined my mood, "All I've ever done is listen to you German. Yet you've never heard a word I've said since you realised who I  was."

German's face dropped.

"I won't speak with you tonight. There are more important people here for you to speak to. Like your wife."

Attending his WeddingWhere stories live. Discover now